Tech Podcasts For Devs

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Top 5 Dev Podcasts

  • Talk Python To Me

    A podcast on Python and related technologies

    Best Episodes

    • #213: WebAssembly and CPython
      On the last episode we explored Pyodide. A project whose goal is to bring the CPython scientific stack to the browse...
    • #214: Dive into CPython 3.8 and beyond
      Python 3.8 is coming soon. It's scheduled for release at the end of October 2019 and you can already download test ve...
    • #210: Making the most out of in-person training
      How do you stay up on your Python skills. Many of us are self-starters and good at learning on our own or online with...
  • Command Line Heroes

    An original podcast from Red Hat

    Best Episodes

    • Robot as Software
      Building a physical robot isn’t cheap—even when it’s the final version. Designing a robot and testing it over and ove...
    • Robot as Servant
      The 1980s promised robotic servants were in reach. They’d clean up our houses. Bring us drinks. Usher in an era of le...
    • All Together Now
      Our show is all about heroes making great strides in technology. But in InfoSec not every hero expects to ride off i...
  • Google Cloud Platform Podcast

    The Google Cloud Platform Podcast, coming to you every week. Discussing everything on Google Cloud Platform from App Engine to BigQuery.

    Best Episodes

    • The Linux Foundation with Chris Aniszczyk
      Today on the podcast we’re speaking with Chris Aniszczyk about the Linux Foundation and the important work they do t...
    • Primer with John Bohannon
      Michelle and Mark are together again this week to talk with John Bohannon about AI startup Primer. His goal is to bu...
    • Stackdriver with Rory Petty
      Jon Foust is back this week joining Mark Mirchandani for an in-depth look at Stackdriver with fellow Googler Rory P...
  • Code Newbie

    Stories and interviews from people on their coding journey.

    Best Episodes

    • S8:E8 - What it's like to be in a computer science class ...
      CS50 is the largest class at Harvard with 800 students but you can also find these engaging lectures online. We cha...
    • S9:E6 - What is Java good for and why is it still one of ...
      GitHub cited Java as one of the most popular coding languages in 2018 and there is a reason why this language has st...
    • S9:E5 - Why you should understand user interface and desi...
      No matter how good of an idea you have for a product if the design isn't executed well and people don't like the int...
  • Go Time

    Your source for diverse discussions from around the Go community. This show records LIVE every Tuesday at 3pm US Eastern. Join the Golang community and chat with us during the show in the #gotimefm channel of Gophers slack. Panelists include Mat Ryer, Jon Calhoun, Natalie Pistunovich, Johnny Boursiquot, Angelica Hill, Kris Brandow, Mark Bates, and Carmen Andoh. We discuss cloud infrastructure, distributed systems, microservices, Kubernetes, Docker… oh and also Go! Some people search for GoTime or GoTimeFM and can’t find the show, so now the strings GoTime and GoTimeFM are in our description too.

    Best Episodes

    • Functional programming?
      Panelists Mat Ryer and Johnny Boursiquot are joined by guest panelist Aaron Schlesinger to ask/answer questions like;...
    • Go modules and the Athens project
      Panelists Mat Ryer and Carmen Andoh are joined by guest panelists Marwan Sulaiman and Aaron Schlesinger to discuss Go...
    • Go for beginners
      How do beginners learn Go? This episode is meant to engage both non-Go users that listen to sister podcasts here on C...

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