Coffee with Butterscotch is the hilarity-filled official podcast of award-winning video game studio Butterscotch Shenanigans. Tune in every week to learn how video games are made and sold, our take on building a small company from scratch, and how to be an unstoppable problem-solving machine. Whether you're a tech entrepreneur working on your own startup, a person who loves playing or making video games, or just a person interested in learning about the games industry, we've got you covered.
Butterscotch Shenanigans is an independent video game studio best known for its smash hit Crashlands. The podcast features founders Seth Coster (the games programmer), Adam Coster (the web programmer), Sam Coster (the artist), and other awesome people.
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Best Episodes
[Ep207] Dithering Space
Hello Shenanites! In this episode we discuss the NO point moving platform slingshots and rough edges around the c...
[Ep236] Singular KitKat
Hey Shenanites! We’re back from vacation and delirious from jet lag so this one is going to be weird! This week we...
[Ep222] Chaos Positive Shrubbery
Greetings Shenanites! In this episode we discuss giant piles of yogurt wiggle room and the difficulty of fonts. W...
+30 year game industry veteran John "JP" Podlasek interviews game designers, programmers, producers, artists, arcade owners, writers, CEOs and others about game development. Experienced or aspiring game developers alike will find useful, thought-provoking, and sometimes funny advice from others in the game industry. Find info at and subscribe now!
Best Episodes
Skywalker Ranch Persistence Game Designer Qualities Wo...
I welcome Noah Falstein a legendary Game Designer on this episode. Hear about his current work as a Designer and Con...
Mid-Tier Indie Vs. Triple-A Dev Game Engines Star Wars ...
Game Director Chip Sineni talks about the project he’s working on that dates back 20 years and how he got into the in...
Going Indie Changing Crunch Mocap SWAT Bungie Wild We...
Game industry veteran Richard Lico joins me on this episode to discuss his career. Hear how he got started in the ind...
If you come to a fork in the road, take it! Two’s Complement is a programming podcast, hosted by Matt Godbolt and Ben Rady; two programmers who both grew up wanting to make video games. One of them did, one of them didn’t, but now they both work together despite coming from very different backgrounds.
Best Episodes
Not Invented Hear?
Matt and Ben explore their mutual tendency to favor build over buy. Instead of using open source software that may be...
Yak Shaving Part 2 Also Live!
Ben and Matt finish shaving the yak from the prior episode. While waiting for DNS certificate validation to complete...
Time For Computers
Ben and Matt examine how fast computers are by comparing them to humans. Turns out they're mind-boggling-ly fast. Or ...
Our podcast breaks the mold of don't ask don't tell about the video game industry. We give everyone the real inside look at what its like to be a professional game developer, Every week we'll interview pro and indie developers, we'll talk jobs, studios, salaries and of course crunch horror stories. Tune in!
Hosted by Brandon Pham Support this podcast:
Best Episodes
0314: Students Getting into the Industry with Ian McDonell
About this episode:Recruitment have faltered for industry entry jobs this past year as more companies are embracing ...
0313: Roundtable News | What is up with Meta?
About this episode:There are a million things on how to run a tech company to the ground and that seems to be what M...
0286: Roundtable News | The Rise of Big Tech Game Companies
This episode is brought to you by Mudstack & ManscapedGet started for free in just a few minutes at mudstack.comMud...
Join hosts and industry veterans Brett Douville and Tim Longo as they discuss older titles and the impact they had on the games industry, as well as any lessons that could be taken away even today. Play along!
Best Episodes
DGC Ep 331: Dead Space Bonus Interview with Ian Milham
Welcome to Dev Game Club where this week we conclude our bonus episodes about Dead Space by chatting with Ian Milham...
DGC Ep 303: Dark Souls (part one)
Welcome to Dev Game Club where this week we begin a new series on Dark Souls the 2011 breakout from From Software. ...
DGC Ep 177: DOOM (part one)
Welcome to Dev Game Club where we this week we begin a new series on 1993's seminal FPS DOOM. We talk briefly about ...
The Game Dev Field Guide is a podcast series focused on teaching you how to make and launch your own video games. This podcast is aimed at the beginner to intermediate level of game developer. Learn things like how to make crisp movement controls, making eye catching sprites, and marketing your game for it's big release. Stay awhile and listen!
Best Episodes
Ep. 003 Game Art For Non Artists
In this episode Zackavelli breaks down how to get good video game art for the non artists.Skip to Body of Episode: ...
Ep. 002 Jumping Mechanics
In this episode Zackavelli talks about tips for making your video game's jumping mechanics fun. Skip to Body of Ep...
Ep. 075 The Money Side Of Indie Game Dev
In this episode Zackavelli gives you a look behind the scenes at how much indie games really make.Market Research W...
Gaming Is the largest entertainment format In the world. Larger than both Music and Film combined. Yet, there are so few dedicated platforms for the Industries biggest and brightest contributors to tell their story. The Game Dev Show's objective Is to create a platform, a talk-show, for the video games Industry and the people who have helped make it what it is today.
Best Episodes
TGDS S2E24 David Turley - Shoutcaster for League of Legen...
This week on The Game Dev Show we host the legendary Riot and League of Legends Shoutcaster and Content Specialist ...
TGDS S2E28 Alix Wilton Regan - Actor – Games Voiceover - ...
For the final episode of the season we were delighted to be joined by Alix Wilton Regan who is of course the brill...
TGDS S2E12 Alisha Thayer - Crystal Dynamics - Senior Tech...
This week on the Game Dev Show I had the pleasure of sitting down with the wonderful Alisha Thayer Senior Technical ...
Indie Game Movement - The podcast about the business and marketing of indie games.
Andrew Pappas, founder of RenGen Marketing helps take indie devs and their games to a whole new level by discussing business best practices and sharing marketing strategies and tips to better navigate the world of indie game marketing.
Regardless if you’re an indie dev starting out or a veteran small team, the topic discussions apply to anyone wanting to better understand the online environment and stand out in a saturated market. A marketer since 2011, Andrew has found a passion for applying his knowledge by empowering and educating the indie dev community.
Between the years of his experience and interviews with respected industry veterans, you’ll learn about online marketing, email marketing, crowdfunding, paid advertising, community development, social media, community outreach, project management, and much more.
All episodes are packed with helpful information and actionable steps that can give you the confidence you need when it comes to your business and indie game marketing. Hit subscribe and get ready to become part of the indie game movement.
Best Episodes
Ep 106 - How to Grow and Learn Fast as an Indie Dev
If there is at least one thing that any indie dev wants it's probably to grow fast. However growing fast still come...
Ep 130 - How to Navigate the Publishing Landscape
Eventually the game you’re making will be released. But before you get there you need to make some important decisi...
Ep 101 - Taking 6 Years to Make a Game
Being a hobby or indie dev is hard but having a simplified easy to follow process in place can make the world of a ...