These are the top ten epsidoes of The Python Podcast.__init__ as choosen by our algorithm. Rankings are recalculated daily.
How it works.
#213: WebAssembly and CPython
Rank: 1
Score: 34831
On the last episode we explored Pyodide. A project whose goal is to bring the CPython scientific stack to the browser via WebAssembly.
#214: Dive into CPython 3.8 and beyond
Rank: 2
Score: 29904
Python 3.8 is coming soon. It's scheduled for release at the end of October 2019 and you can already download test versions today. Given that Python ships on an 18-month cycle it's time to talk about what's coming for us Python developers in the fall.
#210: Making the most out of in-person training
Rank: 3
Score: 10830
How do you stay up on your Python skills. Many of us are self-starters and good at learning on our own or online with the video courses like the ones we have over at Talk Python. But sometimes having everyone on your team go from zero to ready to work on a project is the best path. And that usually means in-person training.
#215: The software powering Talk Python courses and podcast
Rank: 4
Score: 8882
Have you ever wondered about the software stack powering Talk Python the training website mobile apps video and audio delivery and more? While at first glance it might seem pretty simple there's quite a bit going on. We have our own custom search engines. We deliver 15-20 TB of data per month. Our course video streams from 8 locations throughout the world. Our database server is sending about 12 MBit of traffic / sec with no media in the mix. And it's all powered with Python.
#231: Advice for freelancing with Python
Rank: 5
Score: 7202
Have you ever wanted to get into consulting? Maybe you're seeking the freedom to work on whatever project you'd like or gain more control of your time.
#209: Inside Python's new governance model
Rank: 6
Score: 6378
We all got a bit of a shock to the system when Guido van Rossum decided to step down as the leader and top decider of the Python language and CPython runtime. This happened due to many factors but was precipitated by the so- called walrus operator (PEP 572).
#264: 10 tips every Flask developer should know
Rank: 7
Score: 6336
Are you a web developer who uses Flask? It has become the most popular Python web framework. Even if you have used it for years I bet we cover at least one thing that will surprise you and make your Flask code better.
#224: 12 lessons from 100 days of web
Rank: 8
Score: 6264
Back in May of 2018 Bob Belderbos Julian Sequeira and I started on what would be a 9-month project. We wanted to create a dedicated 100 days of code course specifically for Python web developers. Much of what we created for that course we had prior experience with. But much of it was also new to us.
#234: Awesome Python Applications
Rank: 9
Score: 6214
Have you heard of awesome lists? They are well pretty awesome! Gathering up the most loved libraries and packages for a given topic.
#246: Practices of the Python Pro
Rank: 10
Score: 6183
When you can call yourself a professional developer? Sure getting paid to write code is probably part of the formula. But when is your skillset up to that level?
#364: Symbolic Math with Python using SymPy
Rank: 11
Score: 6092
We're all familiar with the data science tools like numpy pandas and others. These are numerical tools working with floating point numbers often to represent real-world systems. But what if you exactly specify the equations symbolically like many of us did back in Calculus and Differential Equations courses? With SymPy you can do exactly that. Create equations integrate differentiate and solve them. Then you can convert those solutions into Python (or even C++ and Fortran code). We're here with two of the core maintainer: Ondřej Čertík and Aaron Meurer to learn all about SymPy.
#227: Maintainable data science: Tips for non-developers
Rank: 12
Score: 6049
Did you come to software development outside of traditional computer science? This is common and even how I got into programming myself. I think it's especially true for data science and scientific computing. That's why I'm thrilled to bring you an episode with Daniel Chen about maintainable data science tips and techniques.
#212: Python in Web Assembly with Pyodide
Rank: 13
Score: 5920
It's been said that JavaScript is the assembly language of the web. But should you be required to write code in assembly language or JavaScript?
#225: Can subinterpreters free us from Python's GIL?
Rank: 14
Score: 5868
Have you heard that Python is not good for writing concurrent asynchronous code? This is generally a misconception. But there is one class of parallel computing that Python is not good at: CPU bound work running the Python layer.
#252: What scientific computing can learn from CS
Rank: 15
Score: 5653
Did you come into Python from a computational science side of things? Were you just looking for something better than Excel or Matlab and got pulled in by all the Python has to offer?