These are the top ten epsidoes of Python Bytes as choosen by our algorithm. Rankings are recalculated daily.
How it works.
#133 Github sponsors - The model open source has been wai...
Rank: 1
Score: 9920
Topics include Python built-ins worth learning Github sponsors and match Build a REST API in 30 minutes with Django REST Framework Dependabot has been acquired by GitHub spoof “ New features planned for Python 4.0 and BlackSheep web framework.
#132 Algorithms as objects
Rank: 2
Score: 8877
Topics include History of CircuitPython Algorithms as objects pico-pytest and An Introduction to Cython the Secret Python Extension with Superpowers.
#131 Python 3 has issues (over on GitHub)
Rank: 3
Score: 6452
Topics include Things you’re probably not using in Python 3 – but should The Python Arcade Library Teaching a kid to code with Pygame Zero and.
#130 Python.exe now shipping with Windows 10
Rank: 4
Score: 5883
Topics include pgcli Papermill Python Language Summit and Python in Windows 10.
#128 Will the GIL be obsolete with PEP 554?
Rank: 5
Score: 5145
Topics include Solving Algorithmic Problems in Python with pytest DepHell -- project management for Python Dask Animations with Matplotlib and PEP 554 -- Multiple Interpreters in the Stdlib.
#159 Brian's PR is merged the src will flow
Rank: 6
Score: 2896
Topics include Final type flit 2 Pint 8 great pytest plugins 11 new web frameworks and Raise Better Exceptions in Python.
#143 Spike the robot powered by Python!
Rank: 7
Score: 2864
Topics include Keynote: Python 2020 - Łukasz Langa - PyLondinium19 flake8-mypy pytest-mypy and Python 3 at Mozilla.
#145 The Python 3 “Y2K” problem
Rank: 8
Score: 2798
Topics include friendly-traceback Pandas Users Survey pypi research DaPy and python-remote-pdb.
#142 There's a bandit in the Python space
Rank: 9
Score: 2786
Topics include Writing sustainable Python scripts Bandit jupyter-black and How — and why — you should use Python Generators.
#149 Python's small object allocator and other memory fea...
Rank: 10
Score: 2656
Topics include Dropbox: Our journey to type checking 4 million lines of Python Setting Up a Flask Application in Visual Studio Code Multiprocessing vs. Threading in Python: What Every Data Scientist Needs to Know ORM - async ORM Getting Started with APIs and Memory management in Python.
#157 Oh hai Pandas hold my hand?
Rank: 11
Score: 2500
Topics include pydantic PSF is seeking developers for paid contract improving pip dovpanda removestar and pytest-quarantine.
#155 Guido van Rossum retires
Rank: 12
Score: 2456
Topics include Guido retires SeleniumBase Reimplementing a Solaris command in Python gained 17x performance improvement from C 20 useful Python tips and tricks you should know Complexity Waterfall and Plynth.
#165 Ranges as dictionary keys - oh my!
Rank: 13
Score: 2361
Topics include iterators generators coroutines requests-toolbelt qtpy pylightxl and python-ranges.
#163 Meditations on the Zen of Python
Rank: 14
Score: 2342
Topics include Meditations on the Zen of Python I'm not feeling the async pressure codetiming from Real Python Making Python Programs Blazingly Fast and LocalStack.
#167 Cheating at Kaggle and uWSGI in prod
Rank: 15
Score: 2298
Topics include clize: Turn functions into command-line interfaces How to cheat at Kaggle AI contests Configuring uWSGI for Production Deployment Thinc: A functional take on deep learning compatible with Tensorflow PyTorch and MXNet pandas-vet and NumPy beginner documentation.