
These are the top Python podcasts as choosen by our algorithm. Rankings are recalculated daily. How it works.

  • Talk Python To Me

    A podcast on Python and related technologies

    Best Episodes

    • #213: WebAssembly and CPython
      On the last episode we explored Pyodide. A project whose goal is to bring the CPython scientific stack to the browse...
    • #214: Dive into CPython 3.8 and beyond
      Python 3.8 is coming soon. It's scheduled for release at the end of October 2019 and you can already download test ve...
    • #210: Making the most out of in-person training
      How do you stay up on your Python skills. Many of us are self-starters and good at learning on our own or online with...
  • Python Bytes

    Python Bytes is a weekly podcast hosted by Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken. Python Bytes podcast delivers headlines directly to your earbuds.

    Best Episodes

    • #133 Github sponsors - The model open source has been wai...
      Topics include Python built-ins worth learning Github sponsors and match Build a REST API in 30 minutes with Django...
    • #132 Algorithms as objects
      Topics include History of CircuitPython Algorithms as objects pico-pytest and An Introduction to Cython the Secre...
    • #131 Python 3 has issues (over on GitHub)
      Topics include  Things you’re probably not using in Python 3 – but should The Python Arcade Library Teaching a kid...
  • The Python Podcast.__init__

    Since its beginning in March of 2014 Podcast.__init__ has brought you stories of the people that make the Python community great.

    Best Episodes

    • A Data Catalog For Your PyData Projects
      SummaryOne of the biggest pain points when working with data is getting is dealing with the boilerplate code to load...
    • Hardware Hacking Made Easy With CircuitPython
      SummaryLearning to program can be a frustrating process because even the simplest code relies on a complex stack of...
    • Building A Privacy Preserving Voice Assistant
      SummaryBeing able to control a computer with your voice has rapidly moved from science fiction to science fact. Unfo...
  • The Real Python Podcast

    A weekly Python podcast hosted by Christopher Bailey with interviews, coding tips, and conversation with guests from the Python community.

    Best Episodes

    • Python Decorators and Writing for Real Python
      Do you want to learn more about Python decorators? Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes to create a ...
    • Start Using a Build System & Continuous Integration in Py...
      What advantages can a build system provide for a Python developer? What new skills are required when working with a t...
    • 2022 Real Python Tutorial & Video Course Wrap Up
      It's been another year of changes at Real Python! The Real Python team has written edited curated illustrated and...
  • Test & Code in Python

    Topics include automated testing, testing strategy, software engineering practices, packaging, Python, pytest, data science, TDD, continuous integration, and software methodologies. Also anything I think helps make the daily life of a software developer more fun and rewarding. Hosted by Brian Okken.

    Best Episodes

    • 81: TDD with flit
      In the last episode we talked about going from script to supported package. I worked on a project called subark and...
    • 94: The real 11 reasons I don't hire you - Charity Majors
      You've applied for a job maybe lots of jobs.Depending on the company you've gotta get through:a resume reviewa...
    • 93: Software Testing Book Writing Teaching Public Spea...
      Andy Knight is the Automation Panda. Andy Knight is passionate about software testing and shares his passion throu...
  • Django Chat

    A podcast on the Django Web Framework by William Vincent and Carlton Gibson.

    Best Episodes

    • Python at Microsoft - Nina Zakharenko
      Nina’s website
Learn Python FrontendMasters Course
Goodbye Print Hello Debugger at DjangoCon US 2019 & PyCon2020
    • How to Learn Django
      Learning Python via Django Considered HarmfulDjango Girls TutorialDjango for BeginnersInstall Python3 on Mac/Windows/...
    • Django REST Framework
      DRF Google GroupDjangoCon 2018 Talk: Finally Understand User Authentication in DRFDRF Official Documents: Authenti...
  • Teaching Python

    A podcast by Kelly Paredes and Sean Tibor about their adventures teaching middle school computer science, problem-solving, handling failure, frustration, and victory through the lens of the Python programming language. Kelly Paredes has taught all over the world and specializes in curriculum design and development. She currently teaches sixth and seventh-grade computer science at Pine Crest School in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. This is her fourth year using Python. Sean Tibor has worked in marketing and technical management roles selling toothpaste and toothbrushes, designing chemical inventory and tv media databases, enrolling online nursing students, and founding a digital marketing agency. This is his fourth year teaching Python to seventh and eighth-grade students at Pine Crest School in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

    Best Episodes

    • Episode 2: The First Week of Python
      What does the first week of Python look like for new coders? Where do you start? Is it better to jump right in or giv...
    • Episode 100: Celebrating Motivation (with @mkennedy & @br...
      After 100 episodes of Teaching Python Kelly and Sean invite some friends of the show to share how they stay motivate...
    • Episode 68: Learning How To Learn with Barbara Oakley
      This week Kelly & Sean chat with Barbara Oakley author of the upcoming books Uncommon Sense Teaching and Learn Like...
  • Profitable Python

    Profitable Python is a podcast hosted by Ben McNeill. The show is devoted to the Python developers who want to meet amazing humans and take their skills to the next level. The community built around this show proudly represents integrity, unity, and leadership through self mastery.

    Best Episodes

    • 💡💡 Python Cookbook | Steven Lott
      The Profitable Python Presents!! Steven LottStephen has been programming since computers were large expensive and r...
    • 🚀🤑 The Quick And Easy Way To Make Things People Actually ...
      Are you a tech solopreneur who is struggling to earn more in less time?Do you want to make things people actually w...
    • 🔥🚀 How to get paid well doing what you love in 3 steps
      Hey all you solopreneurs... Take a peek at this find the good life episode right now!Get ready to find what is usef...
  • Django Riffs

    Django Riffs is a podcast for learning web application development in Python using the Django web framework. We explore all of Django's features to equip listeners with the knowledge to build a web app.

    Best Episodes

    • Enter With URLs
      On this episode we discuss Django's front door URLs. We talk about what URLs are how to build them in Django and...
    • Models and Managers and Querysets Oh My!
      On this episode we will explore more about models and how to interact with data in your database.Full show notes a...
    • Views On Django
      On this episode we look at views a major component within Django and a primary place where your code will run.Ful...
  • Built with Django Podcast

    On this podcast we interview makers of awesome Django projects and learn together with them.

    Best Episodes

    • #6: From CTO to Indiehacker with Cory Zue
      In this episode Cory tells us about his journey to become a CTO of Dimagi then going full indiehacker with his Djang...
    • #5: Building a Blogging Platform with Alireza Savand
      In this episode Alireza takes us on a journey of building a blogging platform with Django. On that journey he shares ...
    • #1: Alex Isora on building an MVP with 0 prior knowledge
      In this episode I interview Alexander Isora a founder of the Unicorn Platform. He tells us how he got started with D...
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