
These are the top JavaScript podcasts as choosen by our algorithm. Rankings are recalculated daily. How it works.

  • Front End Happy Hour

    A podcast featuring panelists of engineers from Netflix, Twitch, & Atlassian talking over drinks about all things Front End development.

    Best Episodes

    • Episode 172 - RenderATL Day 2 Recap
      Ryan Burgess and Jem Young are at RenderATL 2023 conference in Atlanta. While at the conference they recorded a podc...
    • Episode 081 - CSS - continually sipping sazeracs
      In this episode we are joined by Tyler Childs a Senior Software Engineer at Netflix to talk with us about building ...
    • Episode 080 - User experience - what if users are drunk?
      In this episode we are joined by Randall Koutnik a Senior Software Engineer at Slack to talk with us about how we s...

    Full Stack Developers Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski dive deep into web development topics, explaining how they work and talking about their own experiences. They cover from JavaScript frameworks like React, to the latest advancements in CSS to simplifying web tooling.

    Best Episodes

    • 782: The Developer’s Guide To Fonts with Stephen Nixon
      Scott and CJ are joined by Stephen Nixon of ArrowType to delve into the world of fonts and type for developers. They...
    • UI Elements - Basics Best Practice and Built Ins
      In this episode of Syntax Wes and Scott talk about UI elements and best practices with UI elements as well as UI el...
    • Supper Club × Adam Argyle on What's New in CSS
      In this supper club episode of Syntax Wes and Scott talk with Adam Argyle about a ton of new CSS features that have ...
  • ShopTalk

    A live podcast about front end web design and UX.

    Best Episodes

    • 363: Are Static Site Generators Still Considered a CMS?
      Show DescriptionWe're back answering more of your questions including: what are the rule son displaying email on a w...
    • 361: JavaScript with Sara Vieira
      Show DescriptionWe're talking JavaScript land with Sara Vieira - how she got her start coding Node GraphQL Apollo...
    • 359: RapidFire Q’s on Node Design & Development & Coder...
      Show Description****************We're doing a RapidFire Q&Apisode answering your questions about Node working on des...
  • JS Party

    Your weekly celebration of JavaScript and the web. This show records LIVE on Thursdays at 1pm US/Eastern time. Panelists include Jerod Santo, Feross Aboukhadijeh, Kevin Ball, Amelia Wattenberger, Nick Nisi, Divya Sasidharan, Mikeal Rogers, Chris Hiller, and Amal Hussein. Topics discussed include the web platform (Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox, Brave, etc), front-end frameworks (React, Ember, Angular, Vue, etc), Node.js, web animation, SVG, robotics, IoT, and much more. If JavaScript and/or the web touch your life, this show’s for you. Some people search for JSParty and can’t find the show, so now the string JSParty is in our description too.

    Best Episodes

    • It’s just JavaScript®️
      Jerod Kball Divya and Nick share their initial impressions of GitHub's recently announced package registry what J...
    • Developer strengths and weaknesses 🏋️‍♂️
      Jerod Suz Divya and Kball share their thoughts opinions and advice on developer strengths and weaknesses — compr...
    • LIVE from NodeConf Colombia
      KBall MC’d a live show at NodeConf Colombia with a panel of 4 experts from the Node community — Kat Marchán Anna Hen...
  • Full Stack Radio

    A podcast for developers interested in building great software products. Every episode, Adam Wathan is joined by a guest to talk about everything from product design and user experience to unit testing and system administration.

    Best Episodes

    • 152: Ben Orenstein - How to Stand Out When Applying for a...
      Topics:Putting yourself in the shoes of the person reviewing your applicationCrafting a high quality application tail...
    • 151: DHH – Building HEY with Hotwire
      Links:HotwireHEYSupporting the show:I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are...
    • 150: Secret Screencasting Tips & Behind the Scenes of Tai...
      Supporting the show:I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no...
  • React Round Up

    A weekly discussion among React developers

    Best Episodes

    • RRU 064: Optimizing for Performance in React with Aggelo...
      Sponsor NetlifySentry use the code “devchat” for 2 months free on Sentry’s small planTriplebyte offers a $1000 signi...
    • RRU 063: Fullstack Development with React
      Sponsors NetlifySentry use the code “devchat” for 2 months free on Sentry’s small plan Triplebyte offers a $1000...
    • RRU 043: Testing React Apps Without Testing Implementatio...
      Panel: Lucas ReisJustin BennettCharles Max Wood Special Guest: Kent C. Dodds In this episode the panelist talk ...
  • React Podcast

    Conversations about React with your favorite developers.

    Best Episodes

    • 123: Cassidy Williams on Dreams and Disasters in 2020
      FeaturingCassidy Williams — Twitter GitHub Websitechantastic — Twitter GitHub WebsiteDiscordJoin the discussion i...
    • 121: Tim Neutkens on Next.js 10
      FeaturingTim Neutkens — Twitter GitHub Websitechantastic — Twitter GitHub WebsiteDiscordJoin the discussion Disco...
    • 39: Take Your Time with Kyle Shevlin. On healing from bur...
      Kyle is a JavaScript engineer at webflow speaker educator and Twitch streamer.Chantastic asks Kyle about his expe...
  • Views on Vue

    A weekly discussion among Vue developers about Vue and it's ecosystem.

    Best Episodes

    • VoV 064: Renderless Component Libraries with Alex Vipond
      Sponsors NetlifySentry use the code “devchat” for 2 months free on Sentry smallTriplebyte offers a $1000 signing bon...
    • VoV 063: Exploring the World of Animations with Krystal ...
      Sponsor NetlifySentry use the code “devchat” for 2 months free on Sentry small Triplebyte offers a $1000 signin...
    • VoV 062: Teaching Vue to Beginners with Marina Mosti
      Sponsors NetlifySentry use the code “devchat” for $100 creditTriplebyte offers a $1000 signing bonusCacheFly Panel ...
  • The Bike Shed

    On The Bike Shed, hosts Chris Toomey & Steph Viccari discuss their development experience and challenges at thoughtbot with Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, and whatever else is drawing their attention, admiration, or ire this week.

    Best Episodes

    • 420: Test Database Woes
      Joël shares his recent project challenge with Tailwind CSS where classes weren't generating as expected due to the d...
    • 364: Constructive vs Predicative Data
      Stephanie and Joël attended RubyConf Mini and both spoke there. They discuss takeaways and highlights from the confe...
    • 365: Career Progression
      Joël has been thinking a lot recently about array indexing. Stephanie started volunteering at the Chicago Tooele Libr...
  • JavaScript Jabber

    Weekly panel discussion about Javascript on the front and back ends. This show is primarily focused on the web ecosystem, but also covers NodeJS, mobile, and language features.

    Best Episodes

    • To TypeScript or Not to TypeScript - JSJ 538
       Today we talk with Matt Pocock who comes from Oxfordshire England.  As a big fan of TypeScript and maintainer of...
    • Hydrogen and Oxygen - JSJ 539
       Today we talk with Josh Larson a senior staff developer at Shopify who is front and center in development of Hydro...
    • Front End Architecture - JSJ 522
       In this episode the Jabberers sit down with Gil Fink a Microsoft vet and Google developer who’s gonna convince w...
  • Epic React Podcast

    Learn how to build better React apps in this interview podcast of Kent C. Dodds hosted by Michael Chan.

    Best Episodes

    • Learn By Consuming Building And Teaching
      Kent consumes as much information as he can about the thing that he's interested in then he builds stuff with the th...
    • Techniques For Writing Maintainable Code
      The only thing that matters in software is the experience of the user. And even though the user will never see your ...
    • Increasing The Impact Of Your Value
      Kent amplified the impact of his work by making stuff he'd do on the job public. Instead of sending an email to engin...
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