Best Overall Tech Podcast

These are the top All podcasts as choosen by our algorithm. Rankings are recalculated daily. How it works.

  • Darknet Diaries

    Explore true stories of the dark side of the Internet with host Jack Rhysider as he takes you on a journey through the chilling world of hacking, data breaches, and cyber crime.

    Best Episodes

    • Ep 39: 3 Alarm Lamp Scooter
      A talk at Defcon challenged people to find a way to destroy a hard drive. A young man was inspired by this challenge ...
    • Ep 46: XBox Underground (Part 2)
      This is the story about the XBox hacking scene and how a group of guys pushed their luck a little too far.This is par...
    • Ep 38: Dark Caracal
      A journalist wrote articles critical of the Kazakhstan government. The government did not like this and attempted to ...
  • Reply All

    A podcast about the internet that is actually an unfailingly original exploration of modern life and how to survive it.

    Best Episodes

    • #158 The Case of the Missing Hit
      A man in California is haunted by the memory of a pop song from his youth. He can remember the lyrics and the melody....
    • The Scaredy Cats Horror Show
      A new podcast about scary movies for people who are too scared to ever watch them. Each week Alex Goldman avowed hor...
    • #164 Long Distance: The Real Alex Martin
      Three years after Alex Goldman traveled to India to investigate a scammy call center he gets a tip that makes him qu...
  • a16z Podcast

    The a16z Podcast discusses tech and culture trends, news, and the future – especially as ‘software eats the world’. It features industry experts, business leaders, and other interesting thinkers and voices from around the world. This podcast is produced by Andreessen Horowitz (aka “a16z”), a Silicon Valley-based venture capital firm. Multiple episodes are released every week; visit for more details and to sign up for our newsletters and other content as well!

    Best Episodes

    • Uncontrolled Spread: Science Policy Institutions Infra...
      There's no question technology played a huge role in the recent/current pandemic including especially in the plug-an...
    • Building for Tomorrow
      New year new you! Right?Well as much as we’d all like to believe that we embrace the new… the reality is that we of...
    • Healthspan Lifespan and the Biology of Aging
      In this cross-over episode from Bio Eats World Kristen Fortney cofounder and CEO of BioAge joins Vijay Pande foun...
  • Wireframe

    How does design impact the world around you? Discover how graphic designers, UX designers, illustrators, typographers, artists, activists and other creatives empower creativity for all. Can the design of an app, a logo, a graphic, a sound effect, or an illustration make your life better? Find out with Adobe’s Khoi Vinh, one of Fast Company’s Most Creative People in Business.

    Best Episodes

    • Notes from the Field with Aaron Draplin
      Inspiration is on tap as Teresa Au speaks to graphic designer entrepreneur and author Aaron Draplin. Known as much ...
    • Unfolding Your Money Story with Berna Anat
      What’s it like to pay off $50000 in debt ditch your 9-to-5 travel the world create educational content and build...
    • The Other Side of Fear with Tobi Shinobi
      Whether it’s leaving the comfort of a steady paycheck to pursue photography or checking out the possibilities of AI...
  • Lex Fridman

    Conversations about the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power.

    Best Episodes

    • #438 – Elon Musk: Neuralink and the Future of Humanity
      Elon Musk is CEO of Neuralink SpaceX Tesla xAI and CTO of X. DJ Seo is COO & President of Neuralink. Matthew MacD...
    • #351 – MrBeast: Future of YouTube Twitter TikTok and I...
      MrBeast is a legendary YouTube creator. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:- House of Macadami...
    • #350 – Betül Kaçar: Origin of Life Ancient DNA Pansperm...
      Betül Kaçar is an astrobiologist at University of Wisconsin. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors...
  • Talk Python To Me

    A podcast on Python and related technologies

    Best Episodes

    • #213: WebAssembly and CPython
      On the last episode we explored Pyodide. A project whose goal is to bring the CPython scientific stack to the browse...
    • #214: Dive into CPython 3.8 and beyond
      Python 3.8 is coming soon. It's scheduled for release at the end of October 2019 and you can already download test ve...
    • #210: Making the most out of in-person training
      How do you stay up on your Python skills. Many of us are self-starters and good at learning on our own or online with...
  • Command Line Heroes

    An original podcast from Red Hat

    Best Episodes

    • Robot as Software
      Building a physical robot isn’t cheap—even when it’s the final version. Designing a robot and testing it over and ove...
    • Robot as Servant
      The 1980s promised robotic servants were in reach. They’d clean up our houses. Bring us drinks. Usher in an era of le...
    • All Together Now
      Our show is all about heroes making great strides in technology. But in InfoSec not every hero expects to ride off i...
  • Google Cloud Platform Podcast

    The Google Cloud Platform Podcast, coming to you every week. Discussing everything on Google Cloud Platform from App Engine to BigQuery.

    Best Episodes

    • The Linux Foundation with Chris Aniszczyk
      Today on the podcast we’re speaking with Chris Aniszczyk about the Linux Foundation and the important work they do t...
    • Primer with John Bohannon
      Michelle and Mark are together again this week to talk with John Bohannon about AI startup Primer. His goal is to bu...
    • Stackdriver with Rory Petty
      Jon Foust is back this week joining Mark Mirchandani for an in-depth look at Stackdriver with fellow Googler Rory P...
  • Code Newbie

    Stories and interviews from people on their coding journey.

    Best Episodes

    • S8:E8 - What it's like to be in a computer science class ...
      CS50 is the largest class at Harvard with 800 students but you can also find these engaging lectures online. We cha...
    • S9:E6 - What is Java good for and why is it still one of ...
      GitHub cited Java as one of the most popular coding languages in 2018 and there is a reason why this language has st...
    • S9:E5 - Why you should understand user interface and desi...
      No matter how good of an idea you have for a product if the design isn't executed well and people don't like the int...
  • Cortex

    CGP Grey and Myke Hurley are both independent content creators. Each episode, they get together to discuss their working lives. Hosted by CGP Grey and Myke Hurley.

    Best Episodes

    • 86: I Like Maps
      Grey is back in the desert Myke is excited about a new app and they both have expectations for WWDC.
    • 85: Grey's Non-Linear Life
      Grey published a vlog Myke is back to Mega Office and they both know what day starts the week.
    • 84: Radiating Anxiety
      Grey sparks joy Myke is thinking about career length and they both answer some #askcortex questions.
  • 8th Layer Insights

    Get ready for a deep dive into what cybersecurity professionals often refer to as the "8th Layer" of security: HUMANS. Welcome to 8th Layer Insights (8Li). This podcast is a multidisciplinary exploration into how the complexities of human nature affect security and risk. Author, security researcher, and behavior science enthusiast Perry Carpenter taps experts for their insights and illumination. Topics include cybersecurity, psychology, behavior science, communication, leadership, and more.

    Best Episodes

    • Security is Alive
      Every now and then you need to try something new. That's what this episode is. If you listened to Season 2 Episode 3...
    • Quick announcement and sneak peek of my new show: Digital...
      Hey all!An announcement and something special!First the announcement:Here's your chance to participate in the fin...
    • Season 3 finale: What's the deal with Authentication MFA...
      For the last episode of season 3 I thought we'd talk about something that's been in the news quite a lot recently: A...
  • Malicious Life

    The wildest computer hacks you could ever imagine. 500 million dollars disappear into thin air. Two teenagers disrupt a rocket launch. Foreign spies rig an election. Hosted by author and cybersecurity expert Ran Levi, Malicious Life unravels complex, dramatic historical events, with interviews from people who were actually there. Lock your door, wipe your hard drive, and come listen to fascinating stories from the cyber underground.

    Best Episodes

    • The WANK Worm Part 2
      After the Challenger Disaster of 1986 NASA had a hard time convincing the public that the Galileo spacecraft fueled...
    • The U.S vs. Gary McKinnon
      After the Challenger Disaster of 1986 NASA had a hard time convincing the public that the Galileo spacecraft fueled...
    • The WANK Worm Part 1
      On October 16th 1989 NASA's scientists went into work preparing to launch a spacecraft that very day. But when the...
  • Land of the Giants

    Big tech is transforming every aspect of our world. But how? And at what cost? In the latest season of Land of the Giants, “The Apple Revolution,” Recode’s Peter Kafka explores how the original FAANG company developed its world-changing products - and changed itself along the way. New episodes every Wednesday. From Recode and the Vox Media Podcast Network.

    Best Episodes

    • Why You’ll Never Quit Amazon Prime
      With over 100 million members Prime is the engine that’s made Amazon a retailing juggernaut and one of the largest c...
    • 'I love Amazon. Let’s break it up'
      In the final episode of our season on Amazon NYU professor and “Pivot” podcast co-host Scott Galloway tells Jason De...
    • Is Amazon Too Big? We Ask Its Sellers
      Small businesses and major brands alike rely on Amazon but are increasingly ambivalent about selling on the platform....

    Hacking. Hackers. Disinformation campaigns. Encryption. The Cyber. This stuff gets complicated really fast, but Motherboard spends its time embedded in the infosec world so you don't have to. Host Ben Makuch talks every week to Motherboard reporters Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai and Joseph Cox about the stories they're breaking and to the industry's most famous hackers and researchers about the biggest news in cybersecurity. See for privacy and opt-out information.

    Best Episodes

    • The Grugq
      Ben Makuch sits down with one of InfoSec’s only true celebrities: The Grugq (who recently added the name ‘Thaddeus’ t...
    • Who’s Afraid of Huawei?
      In this week's CYBER podcast we spoke to VICE News reporter William Turnton who just spent a week in China as part ...
    • Why There’s No Need to Panic About a ‘Cyber 9/11’
      On this week's episode of CYBER we spoke to Robert Lee a former NSA analyst and infrastructure hacking expert abou...
  • Go Time

    Your source for diverse discussions from around the Go community. This show records LIVE every Tuesday at 3pm US Eastern. Join the Golang community and chat with us during the show in the #gotimefm channel of Gophers slack. Panelists include Mat Ryer, Jon Calhoun, Natalie Pistunovich, Johnny Boursiquot, Angelica Hill, Kris Brandow, Mark Bates, and Carmen Andoh. We discuss cloud infrastructure, distributed systems, microservices, Kubernetes, Docker… oh and also Go! Some people search for GoTime or GoTimeFM and can’t find the show, so now the strings GoTime and GoTimeFM are in our description too.

    Best Episodes

    • Functional programming?
      Panelists Mat Ryer and Johnny Boursiquot are joined by guest panelist Aaron Schlesinger to ask/answer questions like;...
    • Go modules and the Athens project
      Panelists Mat Ryer and Carmen Andoh are joined by guest panelists Marwan Sulaiman and Aaron Schlesinger to discuss Go...
    • Go for beginners
      How do beginners learn Go? This episode is meant to engage both non-Go users that listen to sister podcasts here on C...
  • Python Bytes

    Python Bytes is a weekly podcast hosted by Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken. Python Bytes podcast delivers headlines directly to your earbuds.

    Best Episodes

    • #133 Github sponsors - The model open source has been wai...
      Topics include Python built-ins worth learning Github sponsors and match Build a REST API in 30 minutes with Django...
    • #132 Algorithms as objects
      Topics include History of CircuitPython Algorithms as objects pico-pytest and An Introduction to Cython the Secre...
    • #131 Python 3 has issues (over on GitHub)
      Topics include  Things you’re probably not using in Python 3 – but should The Python Arcade Library Teaching a kid...
  • Endless Thread

    Hosts Ben Brock Johnson and Amory Sivertson dig into the internet's vast and curious ecosystem of online communities to find untold histories, unsolved mysteries, and other jaw-dropping stories online and IRL.

    Best Episodes

    • We Want Plates!
      A Redditor stumbles upon a huge pile of plates in the backwoods of Pennsylvania. Reddit sleuths across the globe try ...
    • Endless Thread Presents: Pride Stories From 'Kind World'
      In honor of Pride month the Endless Thread team shares a pair of stories from another WBUR podcast -- Kind World. Co...
    • The Great Glitter Mystery
      Endless Thread solves one of the internet’s most compelling unresolved mysteries. Inspired by a New York Times featur...
  • The Stack Over Flow Podcast

    The Stack Overflow podcast is a frank and funny conversation about what it means to work in software and how code is reshaping our world. As it celebrates its 12th anniversary, it’s a must listen for any programmer, as necessary as Stack Overflow itself.

    Best Episodes

    • Talking about drag and drop tech stacks with's...
      Steve was working as an engineering manager at ShopStyle and found that an increasing amount of his team's time was s...
    • An honest end-of-year rundown
      Ben asks Matt to explain Mastodon to him like he’s five. Matt says the experience feels a lot like…LinkedIn?Matt expl...
    • Ready to optimize your JavaScript with Rust?
      Webpack has been king for several years. Vercel wants folks to embrace Turbopack but their claims about speed raised...
  • The Python Podcast.__init__

    Since its beginning in March of 2014 Podcast.__init__ has brought you stories of the people that make the Python community great.

    Best Episodes

    • A Data Catalog For Your PyData Projects
      SummaryOne of the biggest pain points when working with data is getting is dealing with the boilerplate code to load...
    • Hardware Hacking Made Easy With CircuitPython
      SummaryLearning to program can be a frustrating process because even the simplest code relies on a complex stack of...
    • Building A Privacy Preserving Voice Assistant
      SummaryBeing able to control a computer with your voice has rapidly moved from science fiction to science fact. Unfo...
  • Front End Happy Hour

    A podcast featuring panelists of engineers from Netflix, Twitch, & Atlassian talking over drinks about all things Front End development.

    Best Episodes

    • Episode 172 - RenderATL Day 2 Recap
      Ryan Burgess and Jem Young are at RenderATL 2023 conference in Atlanta. While at the conference they recorded a podc...
    • Episode 081 - CSS - continually sipping sazeracs
      In this episode we are joined by Tyler Childs a Senior Software Engineer at Netflix to talk with us about building ...
    • Episode 080 - User experience - what if users are drunk?
      In this episode we are joined by Randall Koutnik a Senior Software Engineer at Slack to talk with us about how we s...
  • Pivot

    Every Tuesday and Friday, tech journalist Kara Swisher and NYU Professor Scott Galloway offer sharp, unfiltered insights into the biggest stories in tech, business, and politics. They make bold predictions, pick winners and losers, and bicker and banter like no one else. After all, with great power comes great scrutiny. From New York Magazine and the Vox Media Podcast Network.

    Best Episodes

    • Microsoft's Hard Landing Bitcoin Bounces Back and Insid...
      Kara and Scott discuss Microsoft layoffs cryptocurrency’s surprising recovery and Jacinda Ardern’s resignation. Plu...
    • Debate Reax Taylor's Endorsement Apple's AI Upgrades
      Kara and Scott discuss the highs and lows of the presidential debate the potential power of Taylor Swift's endorseme...
    • House Arrest Meta Fined Over Fine Print and More...with...
      CNN's Audie Cornish joins Kara as guest co-host with plenty to cover: the Republican disarray in the Speaker of the H...
  • Your Undivided Attention

    In this podcast from the Center for Humane Technology, co-hosts Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin explore the incredible power that technology has over our lives — and how we can use it to catalyze a humane future. Join us every other Thursday as we confront challenges and explore solutions with a wide-range of thought leaders and change-makers — like Kate Raworth on renegade economics, Audrey Tang on digital democracy, Daniel Schmachtenberger on global coordination, and Yuval Noah Harari on the co-evolution of technology and democracy. Your Undivided Attention is proud to be part of the TED Audio Collective. Our Executive Producer is Stephanie Lepp, and our Senior Producer is Julia Scott.

    Best Episodes

    • Two Million Years in Two Hours: A Conversation with Yuval...
      Yuval Noah Harari is one of the rare historians who can give us a two-million-year perspective on today’s headlines. ...
    • How To Free Our Minds — with Cult Deprogramming Expert Dr...
      How would you know if you were in a cult? If not a cult then at least under undue influence?The truth is: we're all ...
    • You Will Never Breathe the Same Again — with James Nestor
      When author and journalist James Nestor began researching a piece on free diving he was stunned. He found that free ...

    Full Stack Developers Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski dive deep into web development topics, explaining how they work and talking about their own experiences. They cover from JavaScript frameworks like React, to the latest advancements in CSS to simplifying web tooling.

    Best Episodes

    • 782: The Developer’s Guide To Fonts with Stephen Nixon
      Scott and CJ are joined by Stephen Nixon of ArrowType to delve into the world of fonts and type for developers. They...
    • UI Elements - Basics Best Practice and Built Ins
      In this episode of Syntax Wes and Scott talk about UI elements and best practices with UI elements as well as UI el...
    • Supper Club × Adam Argyle on What's New in CSS
      In this supper club episode of Syntax Wes and Scott talk with Adam Argyle about a ton of new CSS features that have ...
  • Accidental Tech Podcast

    Three nerds discussing tech, Apple, programming, and loosely related matters.

    Best Episodes

    • 336: Your Face Is Not Your Face
      Pre-show: Nutrition is hard when you're in high school.Top Four #19: Cereals From a VanWSJ Grape-Nuts articleFo...
    • 335: Withhold the Fun
      Relay FM 5th Anniversary ShowiOS 13 charging optimizationFollow-up: APFS volumes for photos instead of sparse dis...
    • 366: There’s Nothing You Can Fix in a Day
      Pre-show: Catalina. 🙄 × ∞ Machine-gun trackpadMarco on OS upgradesCasey's RadarFollow-up:GrasshopperLogoB...
  • Late Night Linux

    Late Night Linux is a podcast that takes a look at what’s happening with Linux and the wider tech industry. Every week, Joe, Félim, Graham and Will discuss the latest news and releases, and the broader issues and trends in the world of free and open source software.

    Best Episodes

    • Late Night Linux – Episode 62
      It’s a special episode. Joe and Will are joined by Richard Brown from openSUSE and Matthew Miller from Fedora to disc...
    • Late Night Linux – Episode 67
      Graham and Joe managed to buy a Raspberry Pi 4 while they were HOT. Literally. Plus all sorts in the news including K...
    • Late Night Linux – Episode 68
      When Free Software and free speech clash controversy ensues. We talk about Mastodon’s recent conundrum. Plus a packe...
  • Kubernetes From Google

    A weekly podcast focused on what's happening in the Kubernetes community. We cover Kubernetes, cloud-native applications, and other developments in the ecosystem. Host Craig Box can be reached on Twitter at @KubernetesPod or by email at

    Best Episodes

    • Tech Life and KubeCon EU with Bryan Liles
      Bryan Liles is a Senior Staff Engineer at VMware the program co-chair for this week’s KubeCon EU a sought-after spe...
    • with Idit Levine was founded in 2017 by this week’s guest Idit Levine. She talks to Craig and Adam about API gateways servic...
    • Optiva and Arctiq with Dan Dyer and Kyle Bassett
      Dan Dyer is Senior Vice President of Technical Product Management at Optiva a provider of business support services ...
  • Data Engineering Podcast

    This show goes behind the scenes for the tools, techniques, and difficulties associated with the discipline of data engineering. Databases, workflows, automation, and data manipulation are just some of the topics that you will find here.

    Best Episodes

    • Run Your Applications Worldwide Without Worrying About Th...
      SummaryOne of the most critical aspects of software projects is managing its data. Managing the operational concerns...
    • A Reflection On Data Observability As It Reaches Broader ...
      SummaryData observability is a product category that has seen massive growth and adoption in recent years. Monte Car...
    • Bringing Feature Stores and MLOps to the Enterprise at Te...
      SummaryAs more organizations are gaining experience with data management and incorporating analytics into their deci...
  • Herding Code

    A weekly discussion featuring K. Scott Allen (, Kevin Dente, Scott Koon (, and Jon Galloway.

    Best Episodes

    • Herding Code 235: Matthew Renze on Data Science for Softw...
      Download / Listen: Herding Code 235: Matthew Renze on Data Science for Software Developers At DevSum Stockholm Jon t...
    • Herding Code 238: Martin Beeby on AWS for .NET Developers
      Download / Listen: Herding Code 238: Martin Beeby on AWS for .NET Developers At DevSum Stockholm Jon talks with Mart...
    • Herding Code 239: Jerome Laban on Uno Platform
      Download / Listen: Herding Code 239: Jerome Laban on Uno Platform At Xamarin Developer Summit Jon talks with Jerome ...
  • Risky Business

    Risky Business is a weekly information security podcast featuring news and in-depth interviews with industry luminaries. Launched in February 2007, Risky Business is a must-listen digest for information security pros. With a running time of approximately 50-60 minutes, Risky Business is pacy; a security podcast without the waffle.

    Best Episodes

    • Risky Business #595 -- NSA and FBI document GRU's Linux m...
      On this week’s show Patrick Adam and Sherrod DeGrippo discuss the week’s security news including: NSA and FBI d...
    • Risky Business #692 -- Google search results spew malware...
      On this week’s show Patrick Gray and Adam Boileau discuss the week’s security news including: Google’s search re...
    • Risky Business #775 -- Cl0p is back SEC hack disclosures...
      On this week’s show Patrick Gray and Adam Boileau discuss the week’s cybersecurity news including: The SEC’s cy...
  • CyberWire Daily

    The daily cybersecurity news and analysis industry leaders depend on. Published each weekday, the program also includes interviews with a wide spectrum of experts from industry, academia, and research organizations all over the world.

    Best Episodes

    • Andy Greenberg Interview: Tracers in the Dark. [CSO Persp...
      Rick Howard N2K’s CSO and the CyberWire’s Chief Analyst and Senior Fellow interviews Andy Greenberg Senior Writer...
    • Alleged leaked files expose a dirty secret.
      An alleged leak of Google’s search algorithm contradicts the company’s public statements.  German researchers discove...
    • Hack-proofing the future to shape cyberspace.
      Secretary Blinken and Senator Warner weigh in on cybersecurity at RSA Conference. Ransomware profits are falling. Pro...
  • Decoder with Nilay Patel

    Decoder is a show from The Verge about big ideas — and other problems. Verge editor-in-chief Nilay Patel talks to a diverse cast of innovators and policymakers at the frontiers of business and technology to reveal how they’re navigating an ever-changing landscape, what keeps them up at night, and what it all means for our shared future.

    Best Episodes

    • Recode Decode series finale: Vox CEO Jim Bankoff and fan-...
      After five years Kara Swisher signs off as the host of Recode Decode. She and her producer Eric Johnson discuss five...
    • Can Substack CEO Chris Best build a new model for journal...
      Nilay Patel talks to Chris Best cofounder and CEO of Substack the subscription newsletter startup that’s taken the ...
    • Recode Decode: Sridhar Ramaswamy
      Former Google executive Sridhar Ramaswamy talks with Recode's Kara Swisher about his new startup Neeva which promis...
  • ShopTalk

    A live podcast about front end web design and UX.

    Best Episodes

    • 363: Are Static Site Generators Still Considered a CMS?
      Show DescriptionWe're back answering more of your questions including: what are the rule son displaying email on a w...
    • 361: JavaScript with Sara Vieira
      Show DescriptionWe're talking JavaScript land with Sara Vieira - how she got her start coding Node GraphQL Apollo...
    • 359: RapidFire Q’s on Node Design & Development & Coder...
      Show Description****************We're doing a RapidFire Q&Apisode answering your questions about Node working on des...
  • The Vergecast

    Hello! This is The Vergecast, the flagship podcast of The Verge... and your life. Every Friday, Nilay Patel and Dieter Bohn make sense of the week's tech news with help from our wide-ranging staff. Join us every week for a fun, deeply nerdy, often off-the-rails conversation about what's happening now (and next) in technology and gadgets.

    Best Episodes

    • Apple could open up iOS Elon gets booed and the golden ...
      The Verge's Nilay Patel Alex Cranz and Richard Lawler break down all the news from this week.Further reading:FTX...
    • Streaming winners & losers of 2022: Netflix HBO Max Dis...
      The Verge's Alex Cranz Nilay Patel and Charles Pulliam-Moore focus on the big streaming services — Netflix HBO Max...
    • Kindle 15th anniversary and the problem with US broadband
      This week on the flagship podcast of mounting TVs way too high in the hospital room:The Verge's David Pierce chats w...
  • NN/g UX Podcast

    The Nielsen Norman Group (NNg) UX Podcast is a podcast on user experience research, design, strategy, and professions, hosted by Senior User Experience Specialist Therese Fessenden. Join us every month as she interviews industry experts, covering common questions, hot takes on pressing UX topics, and tips for building truly great user experiences. For free UX resources, references, and information on UX Certification opportunities, go to:

    Best Episodes

    • 1. What is UX anyway? (feat. Dr. Jakob Nielsen the usab...
      Nielsen Norman Group is celebrating its 22nd anniversary by launching our very own NN/g UX Podcast. Join host Therese...
    • 33. Tracking UX Progress with Metrics (feat. Dr. John Pag...
      Measuring a user experience can be intimidating at first but it's an essential part of determining whether your work...
    • 24. Artificial Intelligence: What Is It? What Is It Not? ...
      The term artificial intelligence AI is having a bit of a boom with the explosion in popularity of tools like ChatG...
  • Security Now

    Steve Gibson, the man who coined the term spyware and created the first anti-spyware program, creator of Spinrite and ShieldsUP, discusses the hot topics in security today with Leo Laporte. Records live every Tuesday at 4:30pm Eastern / 1:30pm Pacific / 21:30 UTC.

    Best Episodes

    • SN 906: The Rule of Two - Norton Lifelock Data Breach Ch...
      Picture of the Week About Password Iterations EBC or CB Norton Lifelock Troubles Chrome Follows Microsoft and F...
    • SN 905: 1 - LastPass Aftermath LastPass vault de-obfusca...
      Picture of the Week. LastPass Aftermath. LastPass Vault De-Obfuscator. What more do we know this week regarding ...
    • SN 904: Leaving LastPass - How LastPass failed Steve's n...
      Picture of the Week. SpinRite. Leaving LastPass. Is there reason for concern? Well known password cracker Jerem...
  • JS Party

    Your weekly celebration of JavaScript and the web. This show records LIVE on Thursdays at 1pm US/Eastern time. Panelists include Jerod Santo, Feross Aboukhadijeh, Kevin Ball, Amelia Wattenberger, Nick Nisi, Divya Sasidharan, Mikeal Rogers, Chris Hiller, and Amal Hussein. Topics discussed include the web platform (Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox, Brave, etc), front-end frameworks (React, Ember, Angular, Vue, etc), Node.js, web animation, SVG, robotics, IoT, and much more. If JavaScript and/or the web touch your life, this show’s for you. Some people search for JSParty and can’t find the show, so now the string JSParty is in our description too.

    Best Episodes

    • It’s just JavaScript®️
      Jerod Kball Divya and Nick share their initial impressions of GitHub's recently announced package registry what J...
    • Developer strengths and weaknesses 🏋️‍♂️
      Jerod Suz Divya and Kball share their thoughts opinions and advice on developer strengths and weaknesses — compr...
    • LIVE from NodeConf Colombia
      KBall MC’d a live show at NodeConf Colombia with a panel of 4 experts from the Node community — Kat Marchán Anna Hen...
  • TechStuff

    TechStuff is a show about technology. And it’s not just how technology works. Join host Jonathan Strickland as he explores the people behind the tech, the companies that market it and how technology affects our lives and culture.

    Best Episodes

    • Tech News: The Future of Search is AI
      Both OpenAI and Google dominated the tech news this week with announcements relating to AI and like it or not it see...
    • The Problem With Live Service Games
      From always-on DRM to the heartbreak of online games getting shut down we look at the issues gamers encounter with t...
    • Tech News: Bing Gets Frisky
      Are you ready for a Bing fling? Journalists report that Microsoft's AI-boosted Bing service can get a little weird. O...
  • Hanselminutes with Scott Hanselman

    Hanselminutes is Fresh Air for Developers. A weekly commute-time podcast that promotes fresh technology and fresh voices. Talk and Tech for Developers, Life-long Learners, and Technologists.

    Best Episodes

    • The Quantified Worker with Dr. Ifeoma Ajunwa
      In this episode Dr. Ifeoma Ajunwa author of "The Quantified Worker" joins us to discuss the implications of techno...
    • Rust: A language for the next 40 years with Carol Nichols
      Learn what makes the programming language Rust a unique technology such as the memory safety guarantees that enable ...
    • Saving Blade Runner with ScummVM's Eugene Sandulenko
      For years ScummVM has allowed us all to play classic point-and-click adventure games by providing a runtime for the o...
  • UI Breakfast: UI/UX Design and Product Strategy

    Join us for exciting conversations about UI/UX design, SaaS products, marketing, and so much more. My awesome guests are industry experts who share actionable knowledge — so that you can apply it in your business today.

    Best Episodes

    • Episode 145: The Business of Mobile Apps with Sean Casto
      Today we're looking into the mobile app ecosystem which differs dramatically from the cosy world of SaaS. Our guest ...
    • Episode 256: The Business of UX Writing with Yael Ben-David
      As UX writers how can we go above and beyond to increase our business impact? Our guest today is Yael Ben-David and...
    • BDTP. Building Relationships Using Email Automation with ...
      Today we have another episode of Better Done Than Perfect. Listen in as we talk with Liz Painter an email strategist...
  • AWS Podcast

    The Official AWS Podcast is a podcast for developers and IT professionals looking for the latest news and trends in storage, security, infrastructure, serverless, and more. Join Simon Elisha and Nicki Stone for regular updates, deep dives, and interviews. Whether you’re training machine learning models, developing open source projects, or building cloud solutions, the AWS Official Podcast has something for you.

    Best Episodes

    • #420: January 2021 Update Show 1
      Simon takes you through more updates and new things to explore! Chapters: 01:03 AWS Marketplace 01:43 Analytics 12:...
    • #431: [INTRODUCING] Amazon Lookout for Vision
      Amazon Lookout for Vision is a new machine learning (ML) service that spots defects and anomalies in visual represent...
    • #416: [INTRODUCING] AWS CloudShell
      AWS CloudShell is a browser-based shell that makes it easy to securely interact with your AWS resources. CloudShell i...
  • The Real Python Podcast

    A weekly Python podcast hosted by Christopher Bailey with interviews, coding tips, and conversation with guests from the Python community.

    Best Episodes

    • Python Decorators and Writing for Real Python
      Do you want to learn more about Python decorators? Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes to create a ...
    • Start Using a Build System & Continuous Integration in Py...
      What advantages can a build system provide for a Python developer? What new skills are required when working with a t...
    • 2022 Real Python Tutorial & Video Course Wrap Up
      It's been another year of changes at Real Python! The Real Python team has written edited curated illustrated and...
  • Waveform

    A tech podcast for the gadget lovers and tech heads among us from the mind of Marques Brownlee, better known as MKBHD. MKBHD has made a name for himself on YouTube reviewing everything from the newest smartphones to cameras to electric cars. Pulling from over 10 years of experience covering the tech industry, MKBHD and co-host Andrew Manganelli will keep you informed and entertained as they take a deep dive into the latest and greatest in tech and what deserves your hard earned cash. New episodes every week. Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can:

    Best Episodes

    • Apple Drops New M2 MacBooks and Mac Mini!
      New Apple M2 products just dropped! Marques sits down with Andrew and David to discuss everything that was announced ...
    • Jaguar Cybertrucked Their Cars?
      This week Marques Andrew and David talk about Cyber Monday for a bit before getting into Spotify Wrapped and the n...
    • WTF Happened in 2024? - Waveform Rewind
      This week Marques Andrew and David talk about the Google XR headset Nintendo Switch 2 rumors and even Bluesky ve...
  • The Tech Guy

    No one does a better job of explaining technology, computers, and the Internet than Leo Laporte. This feed contains the full content of his twice weekly radio talk show as heard on stations all over the US on the Premiere Radio Networks. Records live weekends at 2:06pm Eastern / 11:06am Pacific / 19:06 UTC.

    Best Episodes

    • Leo Laporte - The Tech Guy: 1953
      Using Wine or a virtual box to run Windows on Linux. The correct network settings for a new Mint Mobile phone. Buildi...
    • Leo Laporte - The Tech Guy: 1954
      The Twitter saga continues: you can no longer link to other social networks in your tweets! How The Tech Guy has evol...
    • ATTG 1975: I'm Just Playing Snake - Neeva Flipper Zero ...
      AM Radio is being removed from cars. Neeva is shutting down. My Edifier Bluetooth speakers keep outputting audio ...
  • Learn to Code With Me

    The Learn to Code With Me podcast, created by Laurence Bradford, is for aspiring techies and self-taught coders looking to transition into the tech industry. Want actionable insights on how you can get paid for your coding skills? Then you're in the right place!

    Best Episodes

    • The End of Season 8
      As the eighth season of the Learn to Code With Me podcast draws to a close I wanted to share a few quick updates on ...
    • The End of Season 8
      As the eighth season of the Learn to Code With Me podcast draws to a close I wanted to share a few quick updates on ...
    • S8E8: From Film Student and Rugby Player to Startup Softw...
      After playing rugby in college working an unpaid filmmaking internship and switching into recruiting Michael Poage...
  • Learn to Code With Me

    The Learn to Code With Me podcast, created by Laurence Bradford, is for aspiring techies and self-taught coders looking to transition into the tech industry. Want actionable insights on how you can get paid for your coding skills? Then you're in the right place!

    Best Episodes

    • The End of Season 8
      As the eighth season of the Learn to Code With Me podcast draws to a close I wanted to share a few quick updates on ...
    • The End of Season 8
      As the eighth season of the Learn to Code With Me podcast draws to a close I wanted to share a few quick updates on ...
    • S8E8: From Film Student and Rugby Player to Startup Softw...
      After playing rugby in college working an unpaid filmmaking internship and switching into recruiting Michael Poage...
  • Test & Code in Python

    Topics include automated testing, testing strategy, software engineering practices, packaging, Python, pytest, data science, TDD, continuous integration, and software methodologies. Also anything I think helps make the daily life of a software developer more fun and rewarding. Hosted by Brian Okken.

    Best Episodes

    • 81: TDD with flit
      In the last episode we talked about going from script to supported package. I worked on a project called subark and...
    • 94: The real 11 reasons I don't hire you - Charity Majors
      You've applied for a job maybe lots of jobs.Depending on the company you've gotta get through:a resume reviewa...
    • 93: Software Testing Book Writing Teaching Public Spea...
      Andy Knight is the Automation Panda. Andy Knight is passionate about software testing and shares his passion throu...
  • LINUX Unplugged

    An open show powered by community LINUX Unplugged takes the best attributes of open collaboration and turns it into a weekly show about Linux.

    Best Episodes

    • 325: DNF or Die
      Fedora 31 strikes the right balance we get the latest on the Librem 5 situation and an easy graphics boost for lapt...
    • 383: Murder of a Distro
      Red Hat just made big changes to how CentOS works we breakdown the good and the bad.Plus how you can DIY a cheap I...
    • 331: apt install arch-linux
      We're myth-busting this week as we take a perfectly functioning production server and switch it to Arch. Is this roll...
  • This Week in Tech

    Your first podcast of the week is the last word in tech. Join the top tech pundits in a roundtable discussion of the latest trends in high tech. Records live every Sunday at 5:15pm Eastern / 2:15pm Pacific / 22:15 UTC.

    Best Episodes

    • TWiT 981: Grab Your Rabbit - Sky's voice Copilot+ Surfac...
      Sky's voice Copilot+ Surface devices Car Thing's discontinuation OpenAI didn't copy Scarlett Johansson's voice for...
    • TWiT 1016: Marc or Marx? - Copilot Launch Disaster DeepS...
      The Microsoft 365 Copilot launch was a total disaster Satya Nadella says he's 'good for $80 billion' after Elon Mu...
    • TWiT 1009: Andy Giveth & Bill Taketh Away - Trump's Tech ...
      Leo Laporte Harry McCracken Christina Warren and Lou Maresca discuss the evolving relationship between the tech in...
  • Smashing Security

    A helpful and hilarious take on the week's tech SNAFUs. Computer security industry veterans Graham Cluley and Carole Theriault chat with guests about cybercrime, hacking, and online privacy. It's not your typical cybersecurity podcast... Winner of the "Best Security Podcast 2018" and "Best Security Podcast 2019", Smashing Security has had over seven million downloads. Past guests include Garry Kasparov, Mikko Hyppönen, and Rory Cellan-Jones. Follow the podcast on Twitter at @SmashinSecurity, and subscribe for free in your favourite podcast app. New episodes released at 7pm EST every Wednesday (midnight UK).

    Best Episodes

    • 155: Juice jacking YouTube hacking password slacking
      A bank has some of the worst password advice ever travellers are told to be wary when USB charging their smartphones...
    • 170: PornHub Coronavirus apps and remote working
      It's a self-isolated Coronavirus special as we discuss with our quarantined special guest how COVID-19 is making itse...
    • 294: The Virgin trains swindler cyber clowns and AirTag...
      Someone's election-fiddling is uncovered with an Apple AirTag a cyber scandal rocks Germany and a swindler steals a...
  • DataFramed

    DataFramed is a podcast for data & analytics leaders looking to scale data science throughout an organization by equipping them with the insights to drive value from data science and create a data-driven culture. Each episode will feature a conversation with various data science and analytics leaders who are transforming their organizations and are at the forefront of the data revolution. Whether you’re just getting started in your data career, or you’re a data leader looking to scale data-driven decisions in your organization, you’ve found the right community. Welcome to DataFramed!

    Best Episodes

    • #124 Using AI to Improve Data Quality in Healthcare
      Data quality can make or break any data initiative or product. If you aren’t able to collect data that is accurate o...
    • #123 Why We Need More Data Empathy
      When working with data it’s easy for us to think about it as a mechanistic process where data comes in and products...
    • #122 How Organizations Can Bridge the Data Literacy Gap
      Something we talk about alot on DataFramed is the importance of data literacy and data skills — and how they help bot...
  • Full Stack Radio

    A podcast for developers interested in building great software products. Every episode, Adam Wathan is joined by a guest to talk about everything from product design and user experience to unit testing and system administration.

    Best Episodes

    • 152: Ben Orenstein - How to Stand Out When Applying for a...
      Topics:Putting yourself in the shoes of the person reviewing your applicationCrafting a high quality application tail...
    • 151: DHH – Building HEY with Hotwire
      Links:HotwireHEYSupporting the show:I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are...
    • 150: Secret Screencasting Tips & Behind the Scenes of Tai...
      Supporting the show:I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no...
  • Software Engineering Daily

    Technical interviews about software topics.

    Best Episodes

    • Observability with Eduardo Silva
      There are hundreds of observability companies out there and many ways to think about observability such as applicat...
    • Blender with Sybren Stüvel
      Blender is a free and open-source 3D graphics tool that was initially released in 1994 and just hit version 4.0. It’s...
    • CockroachDB with Jordan Lewis
      SQL databases were built for data consistency and vertical scalability. They did this very well for the long era of m...
  • Recode Daily

    Your guide to the most interesting and important tech and business news of the day. Learn how our digital world is changing — and changing us — five days a week. Produced by Recode and part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.

    Best Episodes

    • There’s a climate solution hiding in our walls
      Buildings waste a lot of energy. One low-tech solution could fix that. Neel Dhanesha Science and Recode fellow for V...
    • The hydrogen car revival
      The concept of the hydrogen-powered car has been around for decades but still has yet to really take off. Vox’s Umai...
    • How to resurrect a coral reef
      Step one: Break coral. Step two: Hack coral sex. Benji Jones an environment reporter for Vox explains. Read Benji'...
  • The freeCodeCamp Podcast

    The official podcast of the freeCodeCamp open source community. Learn to code with free online courses, programming projects, and interview preparation for developer jobs.

    Best Episodes

    • #85 10 Years of The Changelog + 5 years of freeCodeCamp
      In this special crossover episode we celebrate 10 years of The Changelog. It's the home of the biggest podcast focus...
    • #113 AI and the Future of Education with Seth Goldin
      In this week's episode of the podcast freeCodeCamp founder Quincy Larson discusses AI and the future of education wi...
    • #144 How to Become a Street Smart Developer – From Dropou...
      On this week's episode of the podcast freeCodeCamp founder Quincy Larson interviews Dennis Ivy a software engineer...
  • React Round Up

    A weekly discussion among React developers

    Best Episodes

    • RRU 064: Optimizing for Performance in React with Aggelo...
      Sponsor NetlifySentry use the code “devchat” for 2 months free on Sentry’s small planTriplebyte offers a $1000 signi...
    • RRU 063: Fullstack Development with React
      Sponsors NetlifySentry use the code “devchat” for 2 months free on Sentry’s small plan Triplebyte offers a $1000...
    • RRU 043: Testing React Apps Without Testing Implementatio...
      Panel: Lucas ReisJustin BennettCharles Max Wood Special Guest: Kent C. Dodds In this episode the panelist talk ...
  • Coder Radio Video

    A weekly talk show taking a pragmatic look at the art and business of Software Development and related technologies.

    Best Episodes

    • The Democrats Behind DeepSeek | Coder Radio 605
      DeepSeek has everyone freaking out; we'll look at what's legitimately fascinating what bits have been an overreactio...
    • Coder's Next Steps | Coder Radio 606
      A brief important update from Chris about some upcoming changes to the podcast.
    • The Startup Myth | Coder Radio 604
      We dig into the Rails 8 Solid Trifecta our thoughts on why fewer developers are taking jobs at startups and a new b...
  • Linux Action News

    Our weekly take on the free and open source world.

    Best Episodes

    • Linux Action News 108
      Frankenstein Linux malware and a Docker bug that's blown out of proportion get our attention this week.As well as th...
    • Linux Action News 152
      WireGuard officially lands in Linux. We cover a bunch of new features in Linux 5.6 and discuss the recent challenges ...
    • Linux Action News 151
      Mozilla puts your money where your mouse is and partners with Scroll to launch Firefox for a Better Web. We'll explai...
  • The TWIML AI Podcast

    Machine learning and artificial intelligence are dramatically changing the way businesses operate and people live. The TWIML AI Podcast brings the top minds and ideas from the world of ML and AI to a broad and influential community of ML/AI researchers, data scientists, engineers and tech-savvy business and IT leaders. Hosted by Sam Charrington, a sought after industry analyst, speaker, commentator and thought leader. Technologies covered include machine learning, artificial intelligence, deep learning, natural language processing, neural networks, analytics, computer science, data science and more.

    Best Episodes

    • Service Cards and ML Governance with Michael Kearns - #610
      Today we conclude our AWS re:Invent 2022 series joined by Michael Kearns a professor in the department of computer a...
    • AI Trends 2023: Causality and the Impact on Large Languag...
      Today we’re joined by Robert Osazuwa Ness a senior researcher at Microsoft Research to break down the latest trends...
    • AI Trends 2023: Natural Language Proc - ChatGPT GPT-4 an...
      Today we continue our AI Trends 2023 series joined by Sameer Singh an associate professor in the department of compu...
  • Design Details

    A weekly conversation about design process and culture. Hosted by Marshall Bock and Brian Lovin.

    Best Episodes

    • 453: Building a Type Stack
      This week we discuss strategies for building an excellent type stack in your designs.The Sidebar:The Sidebar is an e...
    • 464: AI Grab Bag
      This week we talk about Open AI's GPTs-as-apps strategy FigJam's AI tools and our dreams for a future Jarvis-like ...
    • 462: Refactoring a Design System
      This week Marshall breaks down his process tips and tricks to redesign a design system in Figma.The Sidebar:The Si...
  • React Podcast

    Conversations about React with your favorite developers.

    Best Episodes

    • 123: Cassidy Williams on Dreams and Disasters in 2020
      FeaturingCassidy Williams — Twitter GitHub Websitechantastic — Twitter GitHub WebsiteDiscordJoin the discussion i...
    • 121: Tim Neutkens on Next.js 10
      FeaturingTim Neutkens — Twitter GitHub Websitechantastic — Twitter GitHub WebsiteDiscordJoin the discussion Disco...
    • 39: Take Your Time with Kyle Shevlin. On healing from bur...
      Kyle is a JavaScript engineer at webflow speaker educator and Twitch streamer.Chantastic asks Kyle about his expe...
  • Data Skeptic

    The Data Skeptic Podcast features interviews and discussion of topics related to data science, statistics, machine learning, artificial intelligence and the like, all from the perspective of applying critical thinking and the scientific method to evaluate the veracity of claims and efficacy of approaches.

    Best Episodes

    • Placement Laundering Fraud
      There is an unsung kind of ad fraud brewing in the ad tech space — placement laundering fraud. On the show Jeff Klin...
    • A Survey of Data Science Methodologies
      On the show Iñigo Martinez a Ph.D. student at the University of Navarra shares his survey results which investigate...
    • Crowdfunded Board Games
      It may be intuitive to think crowdfunding a project drives its innovation and novelty but there are no empirical stu...
  • Destination Linux

    Destination Linux is a weekly conversational podcast about sharing our passion for Linux & Open Source. Destination Linux is a show for all experience levels, whether you’re a beginner to Linux or a Master Sudoer so you'll enjoy great content like the latest news, discussions, gaming on Linux and fantastic unique in-depth interviews hosted by Ryan, Michael and Noah. Website: | Network:

    Best Episodes

    • Episode 119: Destination Linux EP119 – Edgy!_Handshake
      Hosts of Destination Linux:Noah of Ask Noah Show = http://asknoahshow.comMichael of TuxDigital = https://tuxdigi...
    • Episode 122: Destination Linux EP122 – Richard Brown of o...
      On this episode of Destination Linux we sit down with Richard Brown of openSUSE for an interview about his journe...
    • Episode 134: Xfce 4.14 Ubuntu Snaps LibreOffice Linux ...
      Sponsored by: Guest Host:Derek of DistroTube = https://distrotube.comHosts of Destination Lin...
  • New Rustacean

    Deep dive teaching episodes, news updates, and interviews with people around the Rust community.

    Best Episodes

    • Meta 3: Happy Coding
      A story and a dream (and the promise of Rust): the final episode of New Rustacean!Show NotesRust by ExampleWinnin...
    • CYSK: bindgen and cbindgen
      Automatic generation of FFI types between Rust and C APIs.Show Notesbindgenthe official guideAPI docscbindgen...
    • e027: Trust Me; I Promise!
      An intro to unsafe Rust and Rust’s idea of safety.Show NotesErrataA quick correction: on the show I said that a tr...
  • Programming Throwdown

    Programming Throwdown educates Computer Scientists and Software Engineers on a cavalcade of programming and tech topics. Every show will cover a new programming language, so listeners will be able to speak intelligently about any programming language.

    Best Episodes

    • 159: GraphQL with Tanmai Gopal
      GraphQL is one of the biggest API enablers in software development but just how complicated can things be? Tanmai Go...
    • Objective-C
      This show covers Objective-C the premier language for iphone ipad and os/x app development. The episode talks abou...
    • 138: Fixing the Internet with John Day
      00:00:24 Introductions00:00:49 IP v600:04:50 OSI00:12:53 The IP v7 debate00:20:18 The definition of an address’s scop...
  • The WIRED Podcast

    The award-winning WIRED UK Podcast with James Temperton and the rest of the team. Listen every week for the an informed and entertaining rundown of latest technology, science, business and culture news. New episodes every Friday.

    Best Episodes

    • The Great WIRED Quiz of 2022
      We look back at the year in tech science business and culture—through the medium of a quiz.Amit hosts the annual W...
    • We Want Your Questions About the Future
      Hello WIRED podcast listeners. We’re on a short break from producing new episodes at the moment with some big plans...
    • The Most Vulnerable Place on the Internet
      Coming up today: Morgan finds out what happens when an AI company steals your face and Matt Burgess explores the mos...
  • On The Metal

    As a part of starting Oxide Computer Company, Bryan Cantrill and Jess Frazelle decided to also create the podcast that they always wanted. Joined frequently by their boss, Steve Tuck, Bryan and Jess interview incredible guests retelling stories of adventure at the hardware/software interface. It’s unapologetically technical and as Jess says, “the nerdiest podcast on the face of the planet” -- but if you're their kind of nerd, you'll find yourself hanging on every word!

    Best Episodes

    • Jonathan Blow
      You can find Jonathan on Twitter at of the highlights of the show include: The...
    • Ken Shirriff
      You can find Ken on Twitter at and his blog Soyuz blog post:    http://www.right...
    • Jeff Rothschild
      Some of the highlights of the show include: Dis-assembling MS-DOS on an IBM PC: ...
  • PHPUgly

    The podcast your mother warned you about. Ramblings of a few overworked PHP Developers. We discuss everything, from the challenges and excitement of running our small business and development shop the DiegoDev Group, to general day to day coding projects, to anything geek related or any other tech topics. Hosted By @shocm, @realrideout, and @johncongdon. Become a Patron!

    Best Episodes

    • 250: Slightly Mean Spirited
      Links from the show:OnlyFans is banning porn the very thing that made it bigWhat's the Average PHP Developer Salary?...
    • 319: Server Racks and Cats
      Links from the show:php[podcast] Episode 23.1.1 - YouTubeNotion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes tasks wik...
    • 322: PHPlumbers of the Future
      Links from the show: Musk emails Twitter staff to pause ‘n...
  • Self-Hosted

    Discover new software and hardware to get the best out of your network, control smart devices, and secure your data on cloud services. Self-Hosted is a chat show between Chris and Alex two long-time "self-hosters" who share their lessons and take you along for the journey as they learn new ones. A Jupiter Broadcasting podcast showcasing free and open source technologies you can host yourself.

    Best Episodes

    • 17: Where Do I Start?
      Knowing which hardware to buy or which apps to run on that shiny new hardware can be hard. Chris and Alex discuss net...
    • 3: Home Network Under $200
      How far can you get with a Raspberry Pi 4? We go all in and find out.Plus our favorite travel router with WireGuard ...
    • 23: Shields Up
      We've spent thousands of dollars and over a decade refining the perfect home media setup. We get nostalgic and share ...
  • Remote Ruby

    Three Rubyists having conversations and interviewing others about Ruby and web development.

    Best Episodes

    • Joined by Lee Richmond
      GraphitiResources on Rails - DHH (2006)Rails: The Next Five Years - Yehuda Katz (2012)Graphiti Testing GuideGraphiti ...
    • Live with Nate Berkopec
      Nate's WebsiteNate's Company SpeedshopNate on TwitterThe Complete Guide to Rails Performance Chris Oliver X/Twi...
    • Active Record Cookbook & Making Bomb Rails Apps
      [00:02:16] Jason shares a story of Chris Seaton when he was on an earlier episode of a Remote Ruby Podcast. [00:03:...
  • Hacking Humans

    Deception, influence, and social engineering in the world of cyber crime.

    Best Episodes

    • How to avoid Instagram scams.
      This week Carole Theriault sits down to interview Dr. Jessica Barker from Cygenta to discuss the latest Instagram sc...
    • How to avoid Instagram scams.
      This week Carole Theriault sits down to interview Dr. Jessica Barker from Cygenta to discuss the latest Instagram sc...
    • The age old battle between social engineering and banking.
      Chip Gibbons CISO at Thrive sits down with Dave to talk about how to defend against social engineering attacks in b...
  • Hacking Humans

    Deception, influence, and social engineering in the world of cyber crime.

    Best Episodes

    • How to avoid Instagram scams.
      This week Carole Theriault sits down to interview Dr. Jessica Barker from Cygenta to discuss the latest Instagram sc...
    • How to avoid Instagram scams.
      This week Carole Theriault sits down to interview Dr. Jessica Barker from Cygenta to discuss the latest Instagram sc...
    • The age old battle between social engineering and banking.
      Chip Gibbons CISO at Thrive sits down with Dave to talk about how to defend against social engineering attacks in b...
  • Soft Skills Engineering

    It takes more than great code to be a great engineer. Soft Skills Engineering is a weekly advice podcast for software developers about the non-technical stuff that goes into being a great software developer.

    Best Episodes

    • Episode 379: Someone fixed my ticket and is tech debt bad...
      In this episode Dave and Jamison answer these questions:  “Hi! Love the show long time listener. So an...
    • Episode 339: Coworker double-dipping and building toxic c...
      In this episode Dave and Jamison answer these questions:  I think the new hire on my team is juggling multip...
    • Episode 408: Terrible retrospectives and "hard to work with"
      In this episode Dave and Jamison answer these questions:  I am an electrical engineer working on and off wit...
  • The Change Log

    Conversations with the hackers, leaders, and innovators of the software world

    Best Episodes

    • State of the "log" 2023 (Interview)
      Our 6th annual year-end wrap-up episode! This time we're featuring 12 (yes 12!) listener voice mails our favorite e...
    • You call it tech debt I call it malpractice (Friends)
      Go Time panelist (and semi-professional unpopular opinion maker) Kris Brandow joins us to discuss his deep-dive on th...
    • A new path to full-time open source (Interview)
      After years of working for Google on the Go Team Filippo Valsorda quit last year to experiment with more sustainable...
  • Software Engineering Radio

    Software Engineering Radio is a podcast targeted at the professional software developer. The goal is to be a lasting educational resource, not a newscast.

    Best Episodes

    • Episode 546: Dietrich Ayala on the InterPlanetary File Sy...
      Nikhil Krishna speaks with Dietrich Ayala about IPFS in depth. They cover what it is how it works in detail and how ...
    • Episode 546: Dietrich Ayala on the InterPlanetary File Sy...
      Nikhil Krishna speaks with Dietrich Ayala about IPFS in depth. They cover what it is how it works in detail and how ...
    • SE Radio 606: Charlie Jones on Third-Party Software Suppl...
      Charlie Jones Director of Product Management at ReversingLabs and subject matter expert in supply chain security jo...
  • Software Engineering Radio - the podcast for professional software developers

    Software Engineering Radio is a podcast targeted at the professional software developer. The goal is to be a lasting educational resource, not a newscast. SE Radio covers all topics software engineering. Episodes are either tutorials on a specific topic, or an interview with a well-known character from the software engineering world. All SE Radio episodes are original content — we do not record conferences or talks given in other venues. Each episode comprises two speakers to ensure a lively listening experience. SE Radio is brought to you by the IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Software magazine.

    Best Episodes

    • Episode 546: Dietrich Ayala on the InterPlanetary File Sy...
      Nikhil Krishna speaks with Dietrich Ayala about IPFS in depth. They cover what it is how it works in detail and how ...
    • Episode 546: Dietrich Ayala on the InterPlanetary File Sy...
      Nikhil Krishna speaks with Dietrich Ayala about IPFS in depth. They cover what it is how it works in detail and how ...
    • SE Radio 606: Charlie Jones on Third-Party Software Suppl...
      Charlie Jones Director of Product Management at ReversingLabs and subject matter expert in supply chain security jo...
  • Design Better Podcast

    The Design Better podcast delivers insights from the world’s most renowned creative leaders, empowering teams to transform their practice and build remarkable products. This series is hosted by Aarron Walter and Eli Woolery and brought to you by InVision, the digital product design platform used to make the world’s best customer experiences. Discover more best practices, research, and resources at

    Best Episodes

    • Tina Seelig: Constraints drive creativity
      Show notes: is the difference between...
    • Meredith Black: DesignOps has become essential
      Show notes: Operations or “Design Ops...
    • Greg Hoffman: Nike CMO on the role of emotion in design
      Show notes: is probably no better training ground than Nike to l...
  • Views on Vue

    A weekly discussion among Vue developers about Vue and it's ecosystem.

    Best Episodes

    • VoV 064: Renderless Component Libraries with Alex Vipond
      Sponsors NetlifySentry use the code “devchat” for 2 months free on Sentry smallTriplebyte offers a $1000 signing bon...
    • VoV 063: Exploring the World of Animations with Krystal ...
      Sponsor NetlifySentry use the code “devchat” for 2 months free on Sentry small Triplebyte offers a $1000 signin...
    • VoV 062: Teaching Vue to Beginners with Marina Mosti
      Sponsors NetlifySentry use the code “devchat” for $100 creditTriplebyte offers a $1000 signing bonusCacheFly Panel ...
  • The Bike Shed

    On The Bike Shed, hosts Chris Toomey & Steph Viccari discuss their development experience and challenges at thoughtbot with Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, and whatever else is drawing their attention, admiration, or ire this week.

    Best Episodes

    • 420: Test Database Woes
      Joël shares his recent project challenge with Tailwind CSS where classes weren't generating as expected due to the d...
    • 364: Constructive vs Predicative Data
      Stephanie and Joël attended RubyConf Mini and both spoke there. They discuss takeaways and highlights from the confe...
    • 365: Career Progression
      Joël has been thinking a lot recently about array indexing. Stephanie started volunteering at the Chicago Tooele Libr...
  • The Cloudcast

    The Cloudcast is the industry's leading, independent Cloud Computing podcast. Since 2011, co-hosts Aaron Delp & Brian Gracely have interviewed technology and business leaders that are shaping the future of computing. Topics will include Cloud Computing | Open Source | AWS | Azure | GCP | Serverless | DevOps | Big Data | ML | AI | Security | Kubernetes | AppDev | SaaS | PaaS | CaaS | IoT. Also available, the "Cloudcast Basics" podcast (@cloudcastbasics), for anyone new to Cloud Computing.

    Best Episodes

    • Thoughts from AWS re:Invent
      AWS re:Invent is the largest Cloud conference of the year and it was back after a downturn from the COVID pandemic. ...
    • Technology Booms and Busts
      Let’s look at the differences between when technology is in a boom-cycle vs. a bust-cycle and what happens as things...
    • A Perspective on Perspectives
      Last Sunday Perspective of the year so let’s look at how we put together the perspectives and why it can be a valua...
  • This Week in Linux

    This Week in Linux is a weekly news show that covers the latest news in the world of Linux.

    Best Episodes

    • Episode 85: Ubuntu 19.10 KDE Plasma 5.17 Sudo Vulnerabi...
      On this episode of This Week in Linux we have a jam packed episode with BIG releases from Ubuntu KDE Plasma antiX ...
    • Episode 91: Linux Mint Peppermint EndeavourOS Feren OS...
      On this episode of This Week in Linux we have a ton of Distro News to cover with new releases from Linux Mint Peppe...
    • Episode 80: Linux Birthday IBM POWER Ubuntu Touch Pine...
      On this episode of This Week in Linux we’ve got a couple birthdays to celebrate with one being the Linux kernel itse...
  • Django Chat

    A podcast on the Django Web Framework by William Vincent and Carlton Gibson.

    Best Episodes

    • Python at Microsoft - Nina Zakharenko
      Nina’s website
Learn Python FrontendMasters Course
Goodbye Print Hello Debugger at DjangoCon US 2019 & PyCon2020
    • How to Learn Django
      Learning Python via Django Considered HarmfulDjango Girls TutorialDjango for BeginnersInstall Python3 on Mac/Windows/...
    • Django REST Framework
      DRF Google GroupDjangoCon 2018 Talk: Finally Understand User Authentication in DRFDRF Official Documents: Authenti...
  • coding blocks

    We are a few guys who’ve been professional programmers for years. As avid listeners of podcasts and consumers of many things code-related, we were frustrated by the lack of quality programming (pun) available in listenable formats.

    Best Episodes

    • We <3 Kubernetes
      We discuss the things we’re excited about for 2021 as Michael prepared for a different show Joe can’t stop looking a...
    • We <3 Kubernetes
      We discuss the things we’re excited about for 2021 as Michael prepared for a different show Joe can’t stop looking a...
    • Our Favorite Developer Tools of 2020
      We start off the year discussing our favorite developer tools of 2020 as Joe starts his traditions early Allen is s...
  • Coding Blocks

    The world of computer programming is vast in scope. There are literally thousands of topics to cover and no one person could ever reach them all. One of the goals of the Coding Blocks podcast is to introduce a number of these topics to the audience so they can learn during their commute or while cutting the grass. We will cover topics such as best programming practices, design patterns, coding for performance, object oriented coding, database design and implementation, tips, tricks and a whole lot of other things. You'll be exposed to broad areas of information as well as deep dives into the guts of a programming language. While Microsoft.NET is the development platform we're using, most topics discussed are relevant in any number of Object Oriented programming languages. We are all web and database programmers and will be providing useful information on a full spectrum of technologies and are open to any suggestions anyone might have for a topic. So please join us, subscribe, and invite your computer programming friends to come along for the ride.

    Best Episodes

    • We <3 Kubernetes
      We discuss the things we’re excited about for 2021 as Michael prepared for a different show Joe can’t stop looking a...
    • We <3 Kubernetes
      We discuss the things we’re excited about for 2021 as Michael prepared for a different show Joe can’t stop looking a...
    • Our Favorite Developer Tools of 2020
      We start off the year discussing our favorite developer tools of 2020 as Joe starts his traditions early Allen is s...
  • Windows Weekly

    A weekly look at all things Microsoft, including Windows, Office, Xbox, and more, from two of the foremost Windows watchers in the world, Paul Thurrott of and Mary Jo Foley of All About Microsoft. Records live every Wednesday at 2:00pm Eastern / 11:00am Pacific / 19:00 UTC.

    Best Episodes

    • WW 811: The Angle of the Dangle - Fungible rounded corne...
      Fungible rounded corners Xbox Oreos the AI wave Microsoft invested $1 billion in OpenAI in 2019 Surface Pro X a...
    • WW 806: Clippy in Prison - Brad Smith's acquisition argum...
      There have been major moves in the Activision Blizzard drama this week Brad Smith publicly lays out Microsoft's argu...
    • WW 809: A Look Back at the Year - A look back at Windows ...
      Looking back on the year in Microsoft from Paul's rants to Mary Jo's beer! The world of Windows has had one wild 202...
  • Grumpy Old Geeks

    A no-holds-barred show about the Internet and how it's affecting our lives for good or bad. Hosts Jason DeFillippo & Brian Schulmeister have over 40 years of online experience and aren't afraid to tell it like it is.

    Best Episodes

    • 534: Fat Finger Financial Foibles
      Christmas is cancelled; Bezos gets his wings; subscription models; AWS outage; centralized exchanges; Buzzfeed headli...
    • 487: Fieri+
      Twitter verification 2.0; Snapchat woos TikTok users back via laying bricks; SpaceX Starlink going to ruin the night...
    • 505: Hammin’ It Up
      May the 4th; Chia plotting; Facebook Oversight Board; Florida bill will fine social media for banning politicians; El...
  • CppCast

    The first podcast by C++ developers for C++ developers!

    Best Episodes

    • Podcast News and Updates with Rob and Jason
      Rob and Jason discuss various news articles libraries and announcements.   News Lexy First Beta Release I made a...
    • Holiday Special with Phil Nash and Timur Doumler
      Rob and Jason are back at least for the holidays and are joined by Timur Doumler and Phil Nash to talk about some o...
    • Past Present and Future of C++ with Bjarne Stroustrup
      Rob and Jason are joined by Bjarne Stroustrup designer and original implementer of C++ to discuss the current state ...
  • This Week in Google

    Leo Laporte, Jeff Jarvis, Stacey Higginbotham, Ant Pruitt, and their guests talk about the latest Google and cloud computing news. Records live every Wednesday at 5:00pm Eastern / 2:00pm Pacific / 22:00 UTC.

    Best Episodes

    • TWiG 746: Huffin' Hazelnut - NotebookLM Google's Monopol...
      This wide-ranging episode of TWiG covers many hot topics in tech including the capabilities and limitations of AI wr...
    • TWiG 703: Spicy Autocomplete - writeGPT Privacy Sandbox...
      Elon Musk's reach on Twitter is dropping — he just fired a top engineer over it. Yes Elon Musk created a special ...
    • IM 805: Doomers Gloomers Bloomers and Zoomers - Zack K...
      Interview with Zack Kass Former GTM for Open AI Why you can deep-six the DeepSeek hype Gemini 2.0 is now availab...
  • Developer Tea

    Developer Tea exists to help driven developers connect to their ultimate purpose and excel at their work so that they can positively impact the people they influence.

    Best Episodes

    • Good Plans Bad Plans and Road Trips
      What characterizes good plans from bad ones? And how can you make your plans better on average? In this episode we di...
    • Good Plans Bad Plans and Road Trips
      What characterizes good plans from bad ones? And how can you make your plans better on average? In this episode we di...
    • Your Learning Investment Portfolio
      What is your learning strategy? If you don't have one you are implicitly saying that all learning is equal.Learning ...
  • Developer Tea

    Developer Tea exists to help driven developers connect to their ultimate purpose and excel at their work so that they can positively impact the people they influence. With over 13 million downloads to date, Developer Tea is a short podcast hosted by Jonathan Cutrell (@jcutrell), co-founder of Spec and Director of Engineering at PBS. We hope you'll take the topics from this podcast and continue the conversation, either online or in person with your peers. Twitter: @developertea :: Email:

    Best Episodes

    • Good Plans Bad Plans and Road Trips
      What characterizes good plans from bad ones? And how can you make your plans better on average? In this episode we di...
    • Good Plans Bad Plans and Road Trips
      What characterizes good plans from bad ones? And how can you make your plans better on average? In this episode we di...
    • Your Learning Investment Portfolio
      What is your learning strategy? If you don't have one you are implicitly saying that all learning is equal.Learning ...
  • The Social-Engineer

    The Social-Engineer Podcast is about humans. Understanding how we interact, communicate and relay information can help us protect, mitigate and understand social engineering attacks

    Best Episodes

    • Ep. 162 - Security Awareness Series - What Cows Can Teach...
      This month Chris Hadnagy and Ryan MacDougall are joined by John Strand from Black Hills Information Security. John ...
    • Ep. 032 - Non-Verbal Human Hacking
      Emotions cause an involuntary muscular response that last only 1/25th of second to 1 sec on a human face. Being able ...
    • Ep. 144 - Adaptive Problem Solving with Ashley Rose
      In this episode of the SECurity Awareness Series of the SEPodcast Chris Hadnagy and Ryan MacDougall are joined by A...
  • Scala Love

    Podcast about the Scala Programming Language and its community

    Best Episodes

    • SoftwareMilling around OSS
      00:31  Adam Warski  04:20  Remote first culture  11:28  ...
    • Scala Valentines #3
      00:29  Scala 3 Macro tutorial  05:45  Scalambda  09:07  ...
    • Unison Love with Rúnar Bjarnason
      0:34  ScalaConf Moscow Russia 26 Nov @ScalaConfRu  1:01  Become a patron ...
  • Functional Geekery

    Functional Geeks, Geeking Functionally

    Best Episodes

    • Functional Geekery Episode 127 - Katie Hughes
      In this episode I talk with Katie Hughes. We talk her introduction to software development exposure to functional p...
    • Functional Geekery Episode 141 - Shriram Krishnamurthi
      In this episode I talk with Shriram Krishnamurthi. We cover his introduction to functional programming Racket and #...
    • Functional Geekery Episode 125 - Verónica López
      In this episode I talk with Verónica López. We talk her background exposure to Go and Elixir working with CoreOS a...
  • All About Android

    All About Android delivers everything you want to know about Android each week--the biggest news, freshest hardware, best apps and geekiest how-tos--with Android enthusiasts Jason Howell, Ron Richards, Huyen Tue Dao, and a variety of special guests along the way. Records live every Tuesday at 8:00pm Eastern / 5:00pm Pacific / 01:00 (Wed) UTC.

    Best Episodes

    • AAA 492: Galaxy S20 FE First Look - Galaxy Tab S7 Plus re...
      Hayato Huseman shares his first impressions of the Galaxy S20 FE.Jason goes hands-on with the Galaxy Z Flip2.Hayato...
    • AAA 635: Hall of Fame - A long awaited look at the very b...
      Sharing news regarding the future of All About Android. Huyen just got her Pixel Tablet! She shares her thoughts....
    • AAA 607: The Blue Moustache - Pixel Feature Drop ADT-4 ...
      It's December Pixel Feature Drop Day: Here is Everything New Android TV 13 is ready for prime time with plenty of ...
  • The Laravel Snippet

    Taylor Otwell gives a weekly behind the scenes update on what's happening in the Laravel ecosystem.

    Best Episodes

    • Laravel Snippet #26: Jetstream 2 Forge Circles Spark Ne...
      In this episode I discuss the release of Jetstream 2.x Forge Circles Spark "Next" and React SPA starter kits ★ ...
    • Laravel Snippet #25: Ecosystem Discussion Auth Recap Pa...
      In this episode I discuss recent comments regarding my previous podcast give a recap of the authentication packages...
    • Laravel Snippet #23: Laravel 7.x Forge Vapor Speaking ...
      Topics: Laravel 7.x Forge Vapor Speaking vs. Silence ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
  • Going Linux

    Once you become aware that there is a dependable, secure, capable, and modern computer system that rivals all others in popularity and actual use, you will want to try the Linux operating system on your computer. Perhaps you've been using a member of the Unix/Linux family - Linux, Android, ChromeOS, BSD or even OSX - for quite a while. If so, you are likely looking for new ways to optimize your technology for the way you work. Going Linux is for computer users who just want to use Linux to get things done. Are you new to Linux, upgrading from Windows to Linux, or just thinking about moving to Linux? This audio podcast provides you with practical, day-to-day advice on how to use Linux and its applications. Our goal is to help make the Linux experience easy for you.

    Best Episodes

    • Going Linux #457 · Networking – Introduction
      00:00 Going Linux #457 · Networking - Introduction 02:16 Networking terms 02:40 Update on Bill's distro hopping a...
    • Going Linux #434 · Welcome to Linux! Pt6 - Accessibility ...
      00:00 Welcome to Linux! Pt6 - Accessibility Software  02:47 Accessibility Software 05:46 Accessibility softw...
    • Going Linux #394 · Manjaro Linux Overview
      00:00 Going Linux #394 · Manjaro Linux Overview 01:51 Rolling release 04:02 An Arch-based distributio...
  • Android Central Podcast

    The Android podcast for everyone. A weekly show about Android, Google, and the best of mobile technology.

    Best Episodes

    • Samsung Phone Extravaganza
      On this week's episode of the Android Central Podcast Shruti Shekar Jerry Hildenbrand Nicholas Sutrich and guest M...
    • The Pirate Queen: Interview With Lucy Liu & Eloise Singer
      On this week's episode of the Android Central Podcast Shruti Shekar and Nick Sutrich chat with Hollywood legend Lucy...
    • Mobile World Congress FALLOUT
      On this week's episode of the Android Central Podcast Shruti Shekar Nick Sutrich Jerry Hildenbrand and Derrek Lee...
  • Java Pub House

    This podcast talks about how to program in Java; not your tipical system.out.println("Hello world"), but more like real issues, such as O/R setups, threading, getting certain components on the screen or troubleshooting tips and tricks in general. The format is as a podcast so that you can subscribe to it, and then take it with you and listen to it on your way to work (or on your way home), and learn a little bit more (or reinforce what you knew) from it.

    Best Episodes

    • Episode 102. Oh my... Spring Boot 3 is out! An interview ...
      Ok so it's an incredible time to be in the Java Ecosystem and one of the biggest frameworks out there just dropped ...
    • Episode 100. To the CLOUD... Which one? All of them!
      Yeah! so we have been working with the cloud for a while terms like K8s EC2 Route53 BlobData CLI has been swinge...
    • Episode 101. Allright let's talk about Kafka
      Whew! So we took a big break over summer (like Bob said we were just swamped with work.. oof) but we are BACK! and ...
  • Linux For Everyone

    A show about the thrilling world of desktop Linux, open-source software, and the community creating it. For beginners and veterans alike! Hosted by Jason Evangelho, Jerry Morrison and Schykle.

    Best Episodes

    • Episode 2: Swing The Doors Wide Open
      A jam-packed episode kicks off with a weekly software discovery then we glide into a community spotlight with Linux ...
    • Don't Waste 30 Years Like I Did
      This is a personal story about music 30 years in the making. It's a cautionary creative tale about creating. It's a...
    • Episode 7: The elementary OS Interview
      I'm joined by Daniel Foré for a revealing conversation about the philosophies challenges and decisions involved in c...
  • The Laravel Podcast

    The Laravel Podcast brings you Laravel and PHP development news and discussion. Season 5 consists of Matt Stauffer interviewing the creators of the most popular packages in the Laravel ecosystem.

    Best Episodes

    • Packages with Freek Van der Herten & Marcel Pociot
      We all use third party packages in our Laravel applications and even Laravel itself is composed of packages. But how...
    • APIs with Jess Archer
      We all interact with APIs even if we don't write them right? The APIs that power our mobile apps the APIs we use i...
    • Mail and Notifications with Wilbur Powery
      Laravel has two primary notification systems: Mail and Notifications. What do each do? How do you use them? When shou...
  • Hackaday Podcast

    Hackaday Editors take a look at all of the interesting uses of technology that pop up on the internet each week. Topics cover a wide range like bending consumer electronics to your will, designing circuit boards, building robots, writing software, 3D printing interesting objects, and using machine tools. Get your fix of geeky goodness from new episodes every Friday morning.

    Best Episodes

    • Ep 255: Balloon on the Moon Nanotech Goblets and USB Al...
      This week Dan joined Elliot for a review of the best and brightest hacks of the week in Episode 0xFF which both of ...
    • Ep 260: KiCad 8 Two Weather Stations and Multiple I2Cs
      It's a leap year so Elliot and Dan put the extra day to good use tracking down all the hottest hacks from the past w...
    • Ep 199: Ferrofluid Follies Decentralized Chaos and NTSC...
      This week Editor-in-Chief Elliot Williams and Assignments Editor Kristina Panos decided against using one of Kristin...
  • JavaScript Jabber

    Weekly panel discussion about Javascript on the front and back ends. This show is primarily focused on the web ecosystem, but also covers NodeJS, mobile, and language features.

    Best Episodes

    • To TypeScript or Not to TypeScript - JSJ 538
       Today we talk with Matt Pocock who comes from Oxfordshire England.  As a big fan of TypeScript and maintainer of...
    • Hydrogen and Oxygen - JSJ 539
       Today we talk with Josh Larson a senior staff developer at Shopify who is front and center in development of Hydro...
    • Front End Architecture - JSJ 522
       In this episode the Jabberers sit down with Gil Fink a Microsoft vet and Google developer who’s gonna convince w...
  • Thoughts on Functional Programming

    An off-the-cuff stream of Functional Programming ideas, skills, patterns, and news from Functional Programming expert Eric Normand of LispCast.

    Best Episodes

    • Are monads practical?
      For audio video and text transcripts:
    • What is the process for coming up with a good conceptual ...
      We describe a three-step process for discovering conceptual models.
    • Lambda: The Ultimate GOTO
      For audio video and text transcripts:
  • Merge Conflict

    Merge Conflict is a weekly discussion with Frank and James on all things development, technology, & more. After years of being friends, Frank and James finally decided to sit down and start a podcast about their lives as mobile developers using C#, Xamarin, and .NET MAUI. Much more than just another mobile development podcast, Merge Conflict, reaches all areas of development including desktop, server, and of course mobile. They also cover fun things happening in the world of technology and gaming and whatever else happens to be on Frank's and James' minds.

    Best Episodes

    • 212: Model-View-Update (MVU) - What Why How
      It is all in the name - Model-View-Update (MVU) - What Why HowFollow UsFrank: Twitter Blog GitHubJames: Twitt...
    • 338: Android Publishing Complexities
      Frank drives into all of the complexities with android publishing including API targeting AndroidX and so much more...
    • 340: CES IoT Security & Roasting Coffee
      It is time for lightning topics from YOU! We cover some of the latest happenings at CES including some new IoT things...
  • Rustacean Station

    Come journey with us into the weird, wonderful, and wily world of Rust.

    Best Episodes

    • Fermyon with Matt Butcher
      Allen Wyma talks with Matt Butcher CEO of Fermyon who is working on Fermyon Cloud a platform to deploy and host We...
    • Cloudflare with Adam Chalmers
      Allen Wyma talks with Adam Chalmers software engineer at Cloudflare which is a global network of servers located ar...
    • Rust Web Programming with Maxwell Flitton
      Allen Wyma talks with Maxwell Flitton author of Rust Web Programming which details how to build web services using R...
  • The InfoQ

    Software engineers, architects and team leads have found inspiration to drive change and innovation in their team by listening to the weekly InfoQ Podcast. They have received essential information that helped them validate their software development map. We have achieved that by interviewing some of the top CTOs, engineers and technology directors from companies like Uber, Netflix and more. Over 1,200,000 downloads in the last 3 years.

    Best Episodes

    • API Evolution Without Versioning with Brandon Byars
      Everyone likes the idea of building something new. So much freedom. But what about making changes after you have user...
    • Communication Patterns for Architects and Engineers with ...
      In this episode Thomas Betts talks with Jacqui Read about communication patterns. Similar to software and architectu...
    • AI ML and Data Engineering Trends in 2024
      In this episode of the podcast members of the InfoQ editorial staff and friends of InfoQ will be discussing the curr...
  • Teaching Python

    A podcast by Kelly Paredes and Sean Tibor about their adventures teaching middle school computer science, problem-solving, handling failure, frustration, and victory through the lens of the Python programming language. Kelly Paredes has taught all over the world and specializes in curriculum design and development. She currently teaches sixth and seventh-grade computer science at Pine Crest School in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. This is her fourth year using Python. Sean Tibor has worked in marketing and technical management roles selling toothpaste and toothbrushes, designing chemical inventory and tv media databases, enrolling online nursing students, and founding a digital marketing agency. This is his fourth year teaching Python to seventh and eighth-grade students at Pine Crest School in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

    Best Episodes

    • Episode 2: The First Week of Python
      What does the first week of Python look like for new coders? Where do you start? Is it better to jump right in or giv...
    • Episode 100: Celebrating Motivation (with @mkennedy & @br...
      After 100 episodes of Teaching Python Kelly and Sean invite some friends of the show to share how they stay motivate...
    • Episode 68: Learning How To Learn with Barbara Oakley
      This week Kelly & Sean chat with Barbara Oakley author of the upcoming books Uncommon Sense Teaching and Learn Like...
  • Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs

    The Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs Podcast (aka ADSP: The Podcast) is an informal podcast inspired by Magic Read Along. We plan to talk about whatever we feel like - algorithms, data structures, programming languages, latest news in tech and more. Feel free to follow us on Twitter at @adspthepodcast.

    Best Episodes

    • Episode 111: C++23 Ranges 2022 Retro & Star Wars
      In this episode Conor and Bryce talk about C++23 Ranges look back on the year 2022 talk about the future of C++ an...
    • Episode 112: 2022 Retro & Running!
      In this episode Conor and Bryce conclude their 2022 retro and talk about running! Link to Episode 112 on Website Tw...
    • Episode 1: Our Favorite Algorithms - Part II
      In this episode Bryce and Conor revisit std::transform_reduce and other unfinished topics from Episode 0. Date Recor...
  • Game Dev Advice The Game Developer's Podcast

    +30 year game industry veteran John "JP" Podlasek interviews game designers, programmers, producers, artists, arcade owners, writers, CEOs and others about game development. Experienced or aspiring game developers alike will find useful, thought-provoking, and sometimes funny advice from others in the game industry. Find info at and subscribe now!

    Best Episodes

    • Skywalker Ranch Persistence Game Designer Qualities Wo...
      I welcome Noah Falstein a legendary Game Designer on this episode. Hear about his current work as a Designer and Con...
    • Mid-Tier Indie Vs. Triple-A Dev Game Engines Star Wars ...
      Game Director Chip Sineni talks about the project he’s working on that dates back 20 years and how he got into the in...
    • Going Indie Changing Crunch Mocap SWAT Bungie Wild We...
      Game industry veteran Richard Lico joins me on this episode to discuss his career. Hear how he got started in the ind...
  • php[podcast] episodes from php[architect]

    Welcome to the official podcast of php[architect] the industry's leading tech magazine and publisher focused on PHP and web development. Join us to listen to the latest news and tech talk from our conferences, the magazine, and wider PHP community. Subscribe today at to see what the leaders in the community and industry and talking about.

    Best Episodes

    • Domain-Driven Resolutions
      As 2021 fades from our memories we hope that a few of you received fantastic geeky gifts during the holidays. Hopefu...
    • Another Bright Idea
      This month John and Eric discuss some of the greater articles coming in the June 2022 release “Another Bright Idea”....
    • Serverless PHP Composer and Magento php[world] Call for...
      In Episode 20 Eric John and Oscar are back talking about PHP and the May 2019 issue. Topics John and Eric discuss ...
  • Screaming in the Cloud

    Screaming in the Cloud with Corey Quinn features conversations with domain experts in the world of Cloud Computing. Topics discussed include AWS, GCP, Azure, Oracle Cloud, and the "why" behind how businesses are coming to think about the Cloud.

    Best Episodes

    • Working Smarter with Oki Doki and Marie Poulin
      Full Description / Show NotesMarie talks about Oki Doki’s primary product Notion Mastery (2:38)Corey and Marie talk ...
    • Multi-Cloud in Sanity with Simen Svale Skogsrud
      About SimenEver since he started programming simple games on his 8-bit computer back in the day Simen has been passi...
    • The Complexities of AWS Cost Optimization with Rick Ochs
      About RickRick is the Product Leader of the AWS Optimization team. He previously led the cloud optimization product o...
  • Epic React Podcast

    Learn how to build better React apps in this interview podcast of Kent C. Dodds hosted by Michael Chan.

    Best Episodes

    • Learn By Consuming Building And Teaching
      Kent consumes as much information as he can about the thing that he's interested in then he builds stuff with the th...
    • Techniques For Writing Maintainable Code
      The only thing that matters in software is the experience of the user. And even though the user will never see your ...
    • Increasing The Impact Of Your Value
      Kent amplified the impact of his work by making stuff he'd do on the job public. Instead of sending an email to engin...
  • Coffee with Butterscotch

    Coffee with Butterscotch is the hilarity-filled official podcast of award-winning video game studio Butterscotch Shenanigans. Tune in every week to learn how video games are made and sold, our take on building a small company from scratch, and how to be an unstoppable problem-solving machine. Whether you're a tech entrepreneur working on your own startup, a person who loves playing or making video games, or just a person interested in learning about the games industry, we've got you covered. Butterscotch Shenanigans is an independent video game studio best known for its smash hit Crashlands. The podcast features founders Seth Coster (the games programmer), Adam Coster (the web programmer), Sam Coster (the artist), and other awesome people. Got a question you want answered on the podcast? Ask at

    Best Episodes

    • [Ep236] Singular KitKat
      Hey Shenanites! We’re back from vacation and delirious from jet lag so this one is going to be weird! This week we...
    • [Ep222] Chaos Positive Shrubbery
      Greetings Shenanites! In this episode we discuss giant piles of yogurt wiggle room and the difficulty of fonts. W...
    • [Ep217] National Squats Week
      Hiya Shenanites! This week we talk about how to turn jeans into chaps titanoboas and industry beat frequencies. Y...
  • BSD Now

    Created by three guys who love BSD, we cover the latest news and have an extensive series of tutorials, as well as interviews with various people from all areas of the BSD community. It also serves as a platform for support and questions. We love and advocate FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFlyBSD and TrueOS. Our show aims to be helpful and informative for new users that want to learn about them, but still be entertaining for the people who are already pros. The show airs on Wednesdays at 2:00PM (US Eastern time) and the edited version is usually up the following day.

    Best Episodes

    • 318: The TrueNAS Library
      DragonFlyBSD vs. FreeBSD vs. Linux benchmark on Ryzen 7 JFK Presidential Library chooses TrueNAS for digital archive...
    • 359: Throwaway Browser
      Throw-Away Browser on FreeBSD With "pot" within 5 minutes OmniOS as OpenBSD guest with bhyve BSD vs Linux distro de...
    • 326: Certified BSD
      LPI releases BSD Certification openzfs trip report Using FreeBSD with ports LLDB threading support ready Linux ve...
  • Profitable Python

    Profitable Python is a podcast hosted by Ben McNeill. The show is devoted to the Python developers who want to meet amazing humans and take their skills to the next level. The community built around this show proudly represents integrity, unity, and leadership through self mastery.

    Best Episodes

    • 💡💡 Python Cookbook | Steven Lott
      The Profitable Python Presents!! Steven LottStephen has been programming since computers were large expensive and r...
    • 🚀🤑 The Quick And Easy Way To Make Things People Actually ...
      Are you a tech solopreneur who is struggling to earn more in less time?Do you want to make things people actually w...
    • 🔥🚀 How to get paid well doing what you love in 3 steps
      Hey all you solopreneurs... Take a peek at this find the good life episode right now!Get ready to find what is usef...
  • Two's Complement

    If you come to a fork in the road, take it! Two’s Complement is a programming podcast, hosted by Matt Godbolt and Ben Rady; two programmers who both grew up wanting to make video games. One of them did, one of them didn’t, but now they both work together despite coming from very different backgrounds.

    Best Episodes

    • Not Invented Hear?
      Matt and Ben explore their mutual tendency to favor build over buy. Instead of using open source software that may be...
    • Yak Shaving Part 2 Also Live!
      Ben and Matt finish shaving the yak from the prior episode. While waiting for DNS certificate validation to complete...
    • Time For Computers
      Ben and Matt examine how fast computers are by comparing them to humans. Turns out they're mind-boggling-ly fast. Or ...
  • Greater Than Code

    For a long time, tech culture has focused too narrowly on technical skills; this has resulted in a tech community that too often puts companies and code over people. Greater Than Code is a podcast that invites the voices of people who are not heard from enough in tech: women, people of color, trans and/or queer folks, to talk about the human side of software development and technology. Greater Than Code is providing a vital platform for these conversations, and developing new ideas of what it means to be a technologist beyond just the code. Featuring an ongoing panel of racially and gender diverse tech panelists, the majority of podcast guests so far have been women in tech! We’ve covered topics including imposter syndrome, mental illness, sexuality, unconscious bias and social justice. We also have a major focus on skill sets that tech too often devalues, like team-building, hiring, community organizing, mentorship and empathy. Each episode also includes a transcript. We have an active Slack community that members can join by pledging as little as $1 per month via Patreon. (

    Best Episodes

    • 226: Incarceration and Technology with Kurt Kemple
      01:49 - Kurt’s Superpower: Lifting Others Up: “A rising tide lifts all boats.”07:00 - “Self-Taught” vs “Self-Guided”...
    • 277: Joy Is Activism – The Power of Ritual and Intention
      00:44 - Pandemic Life* Politics* Healthcare* Society* Work13:58 - Jay Happiness and Fulfillment * Personal De...
    • 276: Caring Deeply About Humans – Diversify The Medical C...
      01:09 - Jenna’s Superpower: Being Super Human: Deeply rooted in what is human in tech* The User is Everything04:30 ...
  • AWS Morning Brief

    The latest in AWS news, sprinkled with snark. Posts about AWS come out over sixty times a day. We filter through it all to find the hidden gems, the community contributions--the stuff worth hearing about! Then we summarize it with snark and share it with you--minus the nonsense.

    Best Episodes

    • The Unfulfilled Promise of Serverless
      Want to give your ears a break and read this as an article? You’re looking for this link.
    • Screwing Up the Cloud Economics Math
      Links:Introducing concurrent account provisioning operations for AWS Control Tower AWS Cost Anomaly Detection now sup...
    • A Multi-Cloud Rant (Holiday Replay)
      This episode was originally released on August 20 2021.Want to give your ears a break and read this as an article? Y...
  • A Bootiful Podcast

    I'm Josh Long (, a humble Spring advocate at @VMWare and this is a ( a Bootiful Podcast, a celebration of the real heroes that drive ecosystems.

    Best Episodes

    • Heiko Scherrer on OpenWMS Spring Spring Boot Spring Da...
      Hi Spring fans! In this installment [Josh Long (@starbuxman)]( talks to OpenWMS foun...
    • Mario Fusco the Drools rules engine project lead and fel...
      Hi Spring fans! In this episode [Josh Long (@starbuxman)]( talks to Drools lead [Mar...
    • Dr. Amanda Martin Gradle developer advocate
      Hi Spring fans! In this installment Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks with Gradle developer advocate Dr. Amanda Martin ...
  • Android Developers Backstage

    Android Backstage, a podcast by and for Android developers. Hosted by developers from the Android engineering team, this show covers topics of interest to Android programmers, with in-depth discussions and interviews with engineers on the Android team at Google.

    Best Episodes

    • Episode 194: Subtext
      This time Tor Romain and Chet were joined by Siyamed Sinir and Sean McQuillan from the Android Text team to talk a...
    • Episode 203: (W)rap
      In this episode Tor Romain and Chet talk about some of the many things that happened this year in the world of And...
    • Episode 193: Kotlin
      In this episode James Ward joins Chet Tor and Romain to talk about Kotlin. We talked about Kotlin Multiplatform (b...
  • Game Dev Unchained

    Our podcast breaks the mold of don't ask don't tell about the video game industry. We give everyone the real inside look at what its like to be a professional game developer, Every week we'll interview pro and indie developers, we'll talk jobs, studios, salaries and of course crunch horror stories. Tune in! Hosted by Brandon Pham Support this podcast:

    Best Episodes

    • 0314: Students Getting into the Industry with Ian McDonell
      About this episode:Recruitment have faltered for industry entry jobs this past year as more companies are embracing ...
    • 0313: Roundtable News | What is up with Meta?
      About this episode:There are a million things on how to run a tech company to the ground and that seems to be what M...
    • 0286: Roundtable News | The Rise of Big Tech Game Companies
      This episode is brought to you by Mudstack & ManscapedGet started for free in just a few minutes at mudstack.comMud...
  • Android App Addicts

    Want to discover new and useful Android apps and be entertained at the same time? This is what this show delivers. 3 friends meet up in this weekly show to present new, useful, and sometimes downright stupid apps for your enjoyment. Give this show a shot. You'll get hooked.

    Best Episodes

    • Android App Addicts #550 –
      iTunes: RSS: http://feeds.feedburne...
    • Android App Addicts #564 – Snapdrop Miradore and GetHuman
      iTunes: RSS: http://feeds.feedburne...
    • Android App Addicts #552 – Essential Juggalos on Microsof...
      iTunes: RSS: http://feeds.feedburne...
  • .NET Rocks!

    .NET Rocks! is an Internet Audio Talk Show for Microsoft .NET Developers.

    Best Episodes

    • Vertical Slice Architecture with Jeremy Miller
      How can vertical architecture help you? Carl and Richard talk to Jeremy Miller about using vertical architecture to h...
    • Energy in 2024 Geek Out
      It's a new year and time for an Energy Geek Out! Richard catches up on all the developments in energy generation over...
    • From Xamarin Forms to Blazor with Nathan Westfall
      Ready for a migration story? Carl and Richard talk to Nathan Westfall about his experiences moving an application for...
  • Software Engineering Unlocked

    In this show, I open you the doors to companies and thought leaders around the world. With my guests, I discuss software engineering best practices and pitfalls, and how they strive to build software people love.

    Best Episodes

    • Bad Tests Are Worse Than Product Issues with Dan Abramov
      Subscribe on iTunes Spotify Google Deezer or via RSS.Links:Dan's twitter profileDan's Decade in review blog postR...
    • What developers should know about security with Troy Hunt
      Subscribe on iTunes Spotify Google Deezer or via RSS. Have a look at Michaela's Code Review WorkshopsLinks:Troy’s...
    • A soul-crushing job search
      Earn additional income by sharing your opinion on!Episode Resources:Heather's TwitterHeather's job...
  • Paul's Security Weekly

    For the latest in computer security news, hacking, and research! We sit around, drink beer, and talk security. Our show will feature technical segments that show you how to use the latest tools and techniques. Special guests appear on the show to enlighten us and change your perspective on information security.

    Best Episodes

    • Analyzing the CrowdStrike Incident and Its Ripple Effects...
      In this episode of Security Weekly News Dr. Doug White and Josh Marpet delve into the widespread impact of the recen...
    • Executive Interviews from RSAC! - ESW #361
      Tune in to hear 9 executive interviews from RSA Conference 2024 featuring speakers from Zscaler Open Systems Aryak...
    • Advising The President On Cyber-Physical Resilience - Phi...
      On February 27 2024 PCAST (President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology) sent a report to the Presiden...
  • The Ruby on Rails

    The Ruby on Rails Podcast, a weekly conversation about Ruby on Rails, open source software, and the programming profession. Hosted by Brittany Martin and Brian Mariani. Produced by Mirror Placement. Edited by Peachtree Sound.

    Best Episodes

    • Episode 447: Rubyconf Mini Recap + The Rails Foundation (...
      Brittany is joined by the co-organizers of Rubyconf Mini: co-host Jemma and Emily Samp. The trio discussed how incl...
    • Episode 448: Turbo Native Workshop with Joe Masilotti
      Joe Masilotti of both Turbo Native and railsdevs fame joined Brittany to talk about his upcoming Turbo Native worksh...
    • Episode 446: I'm Giving A Talk on Thursday (The Rubyconf ...
      Live from Providence RI it is the Rubyconf Mini Podcast Panel! Panelists from different community podcasts come tog...
  • Now in Android

    This show gives listeners a quick run-down on things that the Android team has done recently that developers may want to check out. It covers library and platform releases, articles, videos, podcasts, samples, codelabs - whatever seems relevant and interesting for Android developers. Android’s a big platform and there are many things being released all the time; listen to this podcast to stay up to date on what those things are.

    Best Episodes

    • 74 - Android 13 for TV Compose for Wear OS 1.1 Privacy ...
      Welcome to Now in Android your ongoing guide to what’s new and notable in the world of Android development. Today w...
    • 75 - Android Studio Electric Eel Architecture Kotlin Mu...
      Welcome to Now in Android your ongoing guide to what’s new and notable in the world of Android development. Today w...
    • 97 - Gemini AICore ML Kit Android Studio Hedgehog and...
      Welcome to Now in Android your ongoing guide to what’s new and notable in the world of Android development. Today w...

    Each fortnight, or thereabouts, we chat with guests from the C++ community about what they're doing, what interests them, and what's going on in the world of C++

    Best Episodes

    • The Curse of Backwards Compatibility
      This week we chat with Harald Achitz about a new ISO mirror in Sweden the C++ community - in Sweden and worldwide ...
    • I Can't Believe I'm Here
      This week err... month no episode we're joined by Anastasia Kazakova for a cross-over show with No Diagnostic Req...
    • Did You Really Learn from All the C++ Mistakes?
      We're back! Again! And so is Dave Abrahams after a long period outside the C++ community. So we thought we should h...
  • Voices of the ElePHPant

    Interviews with the people that are making the PHP community special.

    Best Episodes

    • Interview with Matt Trask
      @matthewtrask Show Notes The League of Extraordinary Packages Fractal Audio This episode is sponsored by RingCentral ...
    • Interview with Kathy Forte
      @ Show Notes Kathy's LinkedIn profile Audio This episode is sponsored by RingCentral DevelopersThe post Interview wi...
    • Interview with Matthew Weier O’Phinney
      @mwop Show Notes The Linux Foundation forms new Laminas project to support continued growth of Zend Framework and PHP...
  • Django Riffs

    Django Riffs is a podcast for learning web application development in Python using the Django web framework. We explore all of Django's features to equip listeners with the knowledge to build a web app.

    Best Episodes

    • Enter With URLs
      On this episode we discuss Django's front door URLs. We talk about what URLs are how to build them in Django and...
    • Models and Managers and Querysets Oh My!
      On this episode we will explore more about models and how to interact with data in your database.Full show notes a...
    • Views On Django
      On this episode we look at views a major component within Django and a primary place where your code will run.Ful...
  • Dev Game Club

    Join hosts and industry veterans Brett Douville and Tim Longo as they discuss older titles and the impact they had on the games industry, as well as any lessons that could be taken away even today. Play along!

    Best Episodes

    • DGC Ep 331: Dead Space Bonus Interview with Ian Milham
      Welcome to Dev Game Club where this week we conclude our bonus episodes about Dead Space by chatting with Ian Milham...
    • DGC Ep 303: Dark Souls (part one)
      Welcome to Dev Game Club where this week we begin a new series on Dark Souls the 2011 breakout from From Software. ...
    • DGC Ep 177: DOOM (part one)
      Welcome to Dev Game Club where we this week we begin a new series on 1993's seminal FPS DOOM. We talk briefly about ...
  • Sudo Show

    The Sudo Show covers topics ranging from Open Source in business to Cloud Management, but we don't just talk about the technology. We discuss methodologies like DevOps and how to change your team and company cultures to build and grow your people! Need to get more done? Join us as we share our years of experience working from home including our tips and tricks for better productivity! The Sudo Show is a proud member of the Destination Linux Network (!

    Best Episodes

    • 7: Looking at GitLab
      Brandon and Eric are joined by Greg Myers a Support Engineer at GitLab. In this interivew our hosts discuss what it...
    • 22: Meet Tidelift
      Eric and Brandon are joined by a team from Tidelift a complete solution for managing open source. We discuss open so...
    • 20: Into the Cloud with Dustin Krysak
      Brandon and Eric sit down with Dustin Krysak and talk about his journey from warehouse worker to cloud engineer. Plus...
  • Hacker Valley Studio

    We are Ron Eddings and Chris Cochran from the Hacker Valley Studio podcast. We explore the human condition to inspire peak performance in cybersecurity. Join us on our quest to find inspirational stories and knowledge to elevate ourselves and our communities.

    Best Episodes

    • Financial Independence & Freedom with Eddie Thomason
      Eddie Thomason bestselling author speaker consultant and creator of the Simply Secure podcast comes to Hacker Va...
    • Managing and Mitigating Cyber Risks For Your Assets with ...
      What’s the key to mitigating unseen cyber risks? In this episode Wes Wright Chief Healthcare Officer at Ordr and Je...
    • Think Like a Hacker Solve Like a Leader featuring Ted Ha...
      What if the key to innovation is breaking the rules? Ted Harrington Executive Partner at Independent Security Evalua...
  • Java Off-Heap

    The Java Off-Heap Podcast brings together the latest tech news for the java professional. We go over the news and current issues and discuss them in depth, bringing the knowledge of a top circle of professionals from Chicago. Come take a listen and figure out what's going on in the Java world!

    Best Episodes

    • OffHeap 75. Hey how about that new Job Offer?
      So markets are changing and we have a crazy two years. FAANG and others are really really looking for new developers...
    • OffHeap 76. On license changes and Open Source Software
      If you haven't heard Akka has changed is open source license (from Apache to Commercial). And if you have been using...
    • OffHeap 60. JDK 16 Spring Native Micronaut Microprofil...
      Hey y'all well this episode we dive into tons of fun stuff. There are new toys w/JDK 16 Spring Native and Graal. E...
  • Traceroute

    Traceroute is a fascinating look into the inner workings of our digital world. Technical Storyteller, Grace Andrews examines the real people, the social changes, and the hardware innovations that built and scaled the internet.

    Best Episodes

    • 21. The New Digital Wayfinders
      "Aue aue... when it's time to find home we know the way." ⛵️  //   For the island nation of Tuvalu the effects of ...
    • 7. Compute
      The invisible bones holding up the Internet are its hardware. One of the most prominent benefits we are reaping from ...
    • 3. Networks
      When we open web browsers and streaming services we expect them to work seamlessly without interruptions. Sounds bas...
  • Linux Lads

    Three lads chat about Linux and related stuff. Not (always) safe for work.

    Best Episodes

    • Season 4 - Episode 13: Not That Kind of Blue Shell
      WIth extra DM • Attack on encryption • 20.04 on XPS • Plasma goes icons only • PinePhone CE • Mint snaps out • Not a ...
    • Season 4 - Episode 15: Ryzen and Fallin'
      COVID app for Linux Foundation • PinePhone improved... • ...and with Android 10 • Olive editor • LibreOffice: it's no...
    • Season 5 - Episode 3: M'lady
      It's all about the Fedoras baby • 33 is a magic number
  • The Linux Cast

    A weekly podcast about random topics spoken about by two random Linux Nerds on the interwebs. #Linux #FOSS #OpenSource

    Best Episodes

    • Episode 15: Elementary OS Review
      This time the boys get together and talk about their first experience with Elementary OS. 
    • Episode 30: The Supposed Superiority of Arch Linux
      On this episode Matt and Martin talk about how Arch Linux has become a meme and if its users are justified in their...
    • Episode 29: Should You Dual Boot?
      On this episode of The Linux Cast Martin and Matt talk about the process and dangers of Dual Booting Linux with Wind...
  • Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots

    A podcast about the design, development, and business of great software. Each week thoughtbot's Chad Pytel is joined by the people who build and nurture the products we love.

    Best Episodes

    • 453: Greenpixie with John Ridd
      John Ridd is the Co-Founder and CEO of Greenpixie which is building solutions to reveal and reduce cloud emissions....
    • 456: with Laura Maguire
      Laura Maguire is a Researcher at the first dedicated incident analysis platform that combines more comprehen...
    • 462: StoryGraph with Nadia Odunayo
      Nadia Odunayo is the Founder and CEO of The StoryGraph a new website and app for avid book readers because life's to...
  • Lately in PHP podcast

    News and interviews about the latest happenings in the PHP and Web development world. Hosted by Manuel Lemos of the site and other guest hosts. It is recorded in MP3 format at least once a month in the beginning of each month.

    Best Episodes

    • How to Manage a PHP Project that Will Have a Long Life - ...
      How to Manage a PHP Project that Will Have a Long Life - 10 Minutes of the Lately in PHP Podcast Episode 89 part 1B...
    • PHP Current Version Adoption in 2023 AJAX Character Coun...
      PHP Current Version Adoption in 2023 AJAX Character Counter PHP Conferences of November - 8 minutes - Lately in PH...
    • Improving PHP Possibilities Overriding Built-in PHP Funct...
      Improving PHP Possibilities Overriding Built-in PHP Functions - 3 Minutes Lately in PHP podcast episode 87By Manuel...
  • Lock and Code

    Welcome to Lock and Code, a Malwarebytes cybersecurity podcast. Every two weeks, we dig deep into cybersecurity’s most vexing topics, speaking to the researchers and engineers at Malwarebytes, as well external guests from major companies and organizations. Whether analyzing deepfakes, guarding data privacy, debunking VPN myths, or simply understanding how a garage door opener can be easily hacked, we’re here to learn about it all.

    Best Episodes

    • Why does technology no longer excite?
      When did technology last excite you? If Douglas Adams author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is to be beli...
    • Security advisories are falling short. Here’s why with D...
      Decades ago patching was to lean into a corny joke a bit patchy. In the late 90s the Microsoft operating system ...
    • Chasing cryptocurrency through cyberspace with Brian Carter
      On June 7 2021 the US Department of Justice announced a breakthrough: Less than one month after the oil and gas pip...
  • Game Dev Field Guide

    The Game Dev Field Guide is a podcast series focused on teaching you how to make and launch your own video games. This podcast is aimed at the beginner to intermediate level of game developer. Learn things like how to make crisp movement controls, making eye catching sprites, and marketing your game for it's big release. Stay awhile and listen!

    Best Episodes

    • Ep. 003 Game Art For Non Artists
      In this episode Zackavelli breaks down how to get good video game art for the non artists.Skip to Body of Episode: ...
    • Ep. 002 Jumping Mechanics
      In this episode Zackavelli talks about tips for making your video game's jumping mechanics fun. Skip to Body of Ep...
    • Ep. 091 Managing Motivation For Game Dev
      In this episode Zackavelli talks about managing motivation as a project resource similar to money or time.Skip to ...
  • Are We Podcast Yet

    A new fn Podcast about all things Rust by and

    Best Episodes

    • AWPY - 08 Jon Ferdinand Ronge Gjengset
      ARRRRRR we podcast yet is back with an awesome guest! Jon ( a Rustacean at AWS author o...
    • AWPY - 05 Tim McNamara (@timclicks)
      In yet another super interesting episode we present you Mr. Tim McNamara from beautiful COVID-free New Zealand Soft...
    • AWPY - 07 Georg Semmler on Diesel !
      We are back with season 2 of AWPY! We deep dive into Diesel with Georg and he tells us how he is taking over the (r...
  • The Scala Logs

    An interview podcast for those interested in Scala and functional programming.

    Best Episodes

    • Jakub Kozłowski: From Highschool to Teaching Scala
      We sit down with Jakub Kozłowski and talk about what he has been doing in open source as well as talk about his youtu...
    • Rob Norris: Telescopes and Types
      An interview with Rob Norris where we talk about Programs as Values Doobie Skunk Natchez & Tracing Telescopes and...
    • Michael Pilquist: Life Is But A Stream
      An interview with Michael Pilquist about FS2 Scodec and himself.  Michael's twitter:
  • No Diagnostic Required

    Every month we bring you news from the world of C++, in the form of a podcast and a YouTube show. Our hosts are Anastasia Kazakova (PMM for CLion and ReSharper C++ at JetBrains) and Phil Nash (Developer Advocated for C++ at SonarSource)

    Best Episodes

    • Episode #9 - August 2021
      As JetBrains celebrates 10 years of C++ support in their tools we look at more modules less [[nodiscard]] - the pos...
    • Episode #13 - December 2021
      In this episode we look back on C++ in 2021 and back even further over the evolution of functions and lambdas.Then ...
    • Episode #1 - December 2020
      This month we talk about more news from around the C++ community - with a distinctly 20s theme.You can watch the sh...
  • go podcast()

    15 minutes news, tips, and tricks on the Go programming language.

    Best Episodes

    • 048: Lea Anthony on Wails
      I'm receiving Lea creator of the Wails project. Allowing Gophers to build desktop application using web tech for the...
    • 047: Fyne toolkit with Andy Williams
      This week I talk with Andy Williams about the Fyne toolkit. It's impressive how much you can do with Fyne targeting m...
    • 046: Let's talk about Rust with John Arundel
      John is proposing learning Rust to enhance Gophers programming knowledge. I do enjoy learning new thing personally R...
  • Linux User Space

    This is a podcast focused on connecting user space with the community. We invite you to join us as we explore the many things that impact you, the user. We’ll experiment with the Distros and Desktop Environments that we all love, we’ll discuss the current hardware and technology impacting our lives and we’ll also talk about the different topics affecting the community. All along the way we’ll share stories and anecdotes about our journey through the Linux User Space. Episodes drop every other Monday.

    Best Episodes

    • Episode 01: I blame Joe
      Pop!_OS 20.04 LTSHistorySystem 76 (!_OS) To my knowledge the only PC manufacturer...
    • Episode 03: Fedora the explorer
      Coming up in this episode we cover1. We Network with Joe 2. Dive into Fedora 32 3. Listener feedback4. Ap...
    • Episode 4:09: Giddy Up
      Coming up in this episode* Leo makes me a LUSsh 🍻* Official standings for a browser* We strum some reverberations...
  • Ruby Rogues

    A weekly discussion about Ruby, Rails, and software development involving the Top End Devs in the community and around the world.

    Best Episodes

    • Unfinished Business - RUBY 551
       Unfinished technology unfinished products unfinished gems unfinished concepts unfinished code unfinished libr...
    • Development on the Road - RUBY 552
       How do you develop remotely in new ecosystems such as when you are on vacation in a coffee shop or traveling for...
    • A Novel Type and Effect-Guided Synthesis Tool for Ruby wi...
       In recent years researchers have explored component-based synthesis which aims to automatically construct progra...
  • The Game Dev Show

    Gaming Is the largest entertainment format In the world. Larger than both Music and Film combined. Yet, there are so few dedicated platforms for the Industries biggest and brightest contributors to tell their story. The Game Dev Show's objective Is to create a platform, a talk-show, for the video games Industry and the people who have helped make it what it is today.

    Best Episodes

    • TGDS S2E24 David Turley - Shoutcaster for League of Legen...
      This week on The Game Dev Show we host the legendary Riot and League of Legends Shoutcaster and Content Specialist ...
    • TGDS S2E28 Alix Wilton Regan - Actor – Games Voiceover - ...
      For the final episode of the season we were delighted to be joined by Alix Wilton Regan who is of course the brill...
    • TGDS S2E12 Alisha Thayer - Crystal Dynamics - Senior Tech...
      This week on the Game Dev Show I had the pleasure of sitting down with the wonderful Alisha Thayer Senior Technical ...
  • Stacktrace

    Apple news and rumors from a developer's perspective

    Best Episodes

    • Stacktrace Podcast 172: “The ‘weak self’ dance”
      How memory management works when using Swift’s new concurrency features getting out of productivity traps remote pa...
    • 164: “Your wattage may vary”
      It’s time for the first ever Stacktrace Headphone Holiday Guide! Along with discussions about writing technical artic...
    • 177: “The stand is included!”
      John and Rambo share their first impressions of the products announced at Apple’s “Peek Performance” event — includin...
  • Indie Game Movement - The podcast about the business and marketing of indie games.

    Andrew Pappas, founder of RenGen Marketing helps take indie devs and their games to a whole new level by discussing business best practices and sharing marketing strategies and tips to better navigate the world of indie game marketing. Regardless if you’re an indie dev starting out or a veteran small team, the topic discussions apply to anyone wanting to better understand the online environment and stand out in a saturated market. A marketer since 2011, Andrew has found a passion for applying his knowledge by empowering and educating the indie dev community. Between the years of his experience and interviews with respected industry veterans, you’ll learn about online marketing, email marketing, crowdfunding, paid advertising, community development, social media, community outreach, project management, and much more. All episodes are packed with helpful information and actionable steps that can give you the confidence you need when it comes to your business and indie game marketing. Hit subscribe and get ready to become part of the indie game movement.

    Best Episodes

    • Ep 106 - How to Grow and Learn Fast as an Indie Dev
      If there is at least one thing that any indie dev wants it's probably to grow fast. However growing fast still come...
    • Ep 130 - How to Navigate the Publishing Landscape
      Eventually the game you’re making will be released. But before you get there you need to make some important decisi...
    • Ep 101 - Taking 6 Years to Make a Game
      Being a hobby or indie dev is hard but having a simplified easy to follow process in place can make the world of a ...
  • The Kubelist

    Exploring the Kubernetes ecosystem in-depth with CNCF project leads and contributors.

    Best Episodes

    • Ep. #31 Kustomize with Katrina Verey of Shopify
      In episode 31 of The Kubelist Podcast Marc and Benjie speak with Katrina Verey Senior Staff Production Engineer at ...
    • Ep. #32 LocalStack with Waldemar Hummer
      In episode 32 of The Kubelist Podcast Marc and Benjie speak with Waldemar Hummer of LocalStack. This conversation fo...
    • Ep. #42 Zarf with Wayne Starr of Defense Unicorns
      In episode 42 of The Kubelist Podcast Marc Campbell and Benjie De Groot sit down with Wayne Starr from Defense Unico...
  • 2.5 Admins

    2.5 Admins is a podcast featuring two sysadmins called Allan Jude and Jim Salter, and a producer/editor who can just about configure a Samba share called Joe Ressington. Every two weeks we get together, talk about recent tech news, and answer some of your admin-related questions.

    Best Episodes

    • 2.5 Admins 236: Hybrid Admins Show
      Arm is going to make its own server chips WordPress is selling “100 year” domain registrations geo-redundancy for V...
    • 2.5 Admins 215: Still no VLANs
      Why cold storage is never as good as keeping your data warm and regularly tested how the American air traffic contro...
    • 2.5 Admins 225: Kinetic Response
      The US government tells people to use encrypted messaging mandated MFA in healthcare raises a scary geopolitical que...
  • Linux Game Cast

    Linux fueled mayhem and madness with a side of news, reviews, and whatever the Hell-Elks we come up with.

    Best Episodes

    • Linux Game Cast 542: Post-Apocalyptic Day Care
      Valve is working on HDR support for Proton! Fallout 2 goes 3D Alienware tries to one-up the Steam Controller and Fr...
    • Steam Controller 2 Is Real
      Steam Controller 2 models leak Intel's BattleMage B580 priced at $250 Playtron Alpha 2 launches a $1.6K gaming han...
    • Linux Game Cast 489: Hamsandwich Dot Com
      The top Steam games of 2021! OBS gets super Flatpak powers Intel ARC release dates leaked SuperTux enters early acc...
  • Built with Django Podcast

    On this podcast we interview makers of awesome Django projects and learn together with them.

    Best Episodes

    • #6: From CTO to Indiehacker with Cory Zue
      In this episode Cory tells us about his journey to become a CTO of Dimagi then going full indiehacker with his Djang...
    • #5: Building a Blogging Platform with Alireza Savand
      In this episode Alireza takes us on a journey of building a blogging platform with Django. On that journey he shares ...
    • #1: Alex Isora on building an MVP with 0 prior knowledge
      In this episode I interview Alexander Isora a founder of the Unicorn Platform. He tells us how he got started with D...
  • The Cloud Engineering Podcast

    Monologues and dialogues about Cloud Engineering with Prasanjit Singh. Learning sessions about solutions architecture and cloud business. News and discussions around AWS, GCP and AZURE amongst others.

    Best Episodes

    • How AI Augments Production in Manufacturing Units
      Companies are widely adopting Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning to enhance production capabilities. Let's ...
    • Understanding Cloud Computing
      Learn about the fundamentals of cloud computing on the move! We will cover virtualisation cloud service models and h...
    • A Quick Coverage of DevOps
      As cloud enthusiasts we come across a term called DevOps. What's is it all about? Let's dive into DevOps philosophy ...
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